Martin Reiser received his Ph.D. in physics in 1960 from the University of Mainz, Germany. From 1961 to 1964 he was assistant professor of physics at Michigan State University. In 1965, he joined the University of Maryland as associate professor of Electrical Engineering and Physics, and he has been a full professor there since 1970. He was co-founder of the University of Maryland”s Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics (IREAP). His research interests are in the space charge physics of intense beams, which is studied in scaled experiments with low energy electrons. Currently, the major research facility is the University of Maryland Electron Ring. Professor Reiser is the author of more than 300 research papers and served on numerous committees. In 1997/98 he was chair of the Executive Committee of the APS Division of Physics of Beams. He retired in 1998 as Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering from his teaching position and continues to work part-time with his research group in IREAP.
5 Ebook di Martin Reiser
Martin Reiser: Theory and Design of Charged Particle Beams
Although particle accelerators are the book’s main thrust, it offers a broad synoptic description of beams which applies to a wide range of other devices such as low-energy focusing and transport sys …
Martin Reiser: Theory and Design of Charged Particle Beams
This indispensable work offers a broad synoptic description of beams, applicable to a wide range of other devices, such as low-energy focusing and transport systems and high-power microwave sources. …
Gunter Haring & Christoph Lindemann: Performance Evaluation: Origins and Directions
Martin Kranert: Einführung in die Kreislaufwirtschaft
Die fünfte Auflage dieses Buches liefert einen Überblick über den neuesten Stand zu Ressourcen- und Klimaschutz durch Kreislaufwirtschaft und zur Verwertung von Altprodukten und Altsto …
Martin Kranert: Einfuhrung in die Kreislaufwirtschaft
Dieses Lehrbuch zur Kreislaufwirtschaft (in den Vorauflagen unter dem Titel Einfuhrung in die Abfallwirtschaft erschienen) bietet eine Einfuhrung und Vertiefung fur alle studienrelevanten Inhalte zur …