Read an interview with the author: ‘Working Toward Gender Parity in the Geosciences’
The geoscience workforce has a lower proportion of women compared to the general population of the United States and compared to many other STEM fields. This volume explores issues pertaining to gender parity in the geosciences, and sheds light on some of the best practices that increase participation by women and promote parity.
Volume highlights include:
* Lessons learned from NSF-ADVANCE
* Data on gender composition of faculty at top earth science institutions in the US
* Implicit bias and gender as a social structure
* Strategies for institutional change
* Dual career couples
* Family friendly policies
* Role of mentoring
* Career advancement for women
* Recruiting diverse faculty
* Models of institutional transformation
Women in the Geosciences is a valuable contribution to the existing literature on gender issues in STEM disciplines. It focuses specifically on the geosciences, with a goal to spreading awareness on the best practices for gender parity in academic geoscience departments. Geoscientists, policymakers, educators and administrators could all greatly benefit from the contents of this volume.
Tabella dei contenuti
Contributors v
Introduction 1
Section I: The Data
1. Who Receives a Geoscience Degree? 13
Mary Anne Holmes
2. We are the 20%: Updated Statistics on Female Faculty in Earth Sciences in the U.S 17
Jennifer B. Glass
Section II: A Framework to Address the Issue
3. A Sociological Framework to Address Gender Parity 25
Mary Anne Holmes
Section III: Successful Strategies to Address the Issue
4. Best Practices to Achieve Gender Parity: Lessons Learned from NSF’s ADVANCE and Similar Programs 33
Mary Anne Holmes
Section III. A: Institutional Strategies
5. Strategic Institutional Change to Support Advancement of Women Scientists in the Academy: Initial Lessons from a Study of ADVANCE IT Projects 39
Sandra L. Laursen, Ann E. Austin, Melissa Soto and Dalinda Martinez
6. Institutional Transformation: The Lamont?]Doherty Earth Observatory Experience 51
Kuheli Dutt
7. Dual Career, Flexible Faculty 67
Mary Anne Holmes
8. Lactation in the Academy: Accommodating Breastfeeding Scientists 75
Suzanne OConnell
Section III. B: Interactional and Individual Strategies
9. Implicit Assumption: What It Is, How to Reduce Its Impact 81
Mary Anne Holmes
10. Hiring a Diverse Faculty 95
Suzanne OConnell and Mary Anne Holmes
11. Multiple and Sequential Mentoring: Building Your Nest 109
Suzanne OConnell
12. Mentoring Physical Oceanography Women to Increase Retention 121
Susan Lozier and Sarah Clem
13. ASCENT, a Discipline?]Specific Model to Support the Retention and Advancement of Women in Science 135
A. Gannet Hallar, Linnea Avallone, Heather Thiry and Laura M. Edwards
14. Facilitating Career Advancement for Women in the Geosciences through the Earth Science Women’s Network (ESWN) 149
Meredith G. Hastings, Christine Wiedinmyer and Rose Kontak
15. Learning to Develop a Writing Practice 161
Suzanne OConnell
Index 171
Color plate section located between pages 88 and 89
Circa l’autore
Mary Anne Holmes, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, and National Science Foundation, USA
Suzanne O’Connell, Wesleyan University, USA
Kuheli Dutt, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, USA