Mary E Whalley has many years′ experience in the Early Years sector, both voluntary and maintained, and currently combines work as an independent consultant with the role of lecturer in Early Years at Harrogate College and Leeds Metropolitan University. She has worked as an EYP tutor / assessor since the pilot phase in 2006 and has a particular research interest in the development of the EYP role.
3 Ebook di Mary Whalley
Shirley Allen & Mary Whalley: Leading Practice in Early Years Settings
To achieve Early Years Professional Status candidates must demonstrate that they have effectively led the professional practice of their colleagues across the 0-5 age range. The second edition of thi …
Shirley Allen & Mary Whalley: Supporting Pedagogy and Practice in Early Years Settings
To achieve EYPS, candidates must understand the Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS), and how to put it into practice. This text supports those on all EYPS pathways to extend their knowledge and under …
Shirley Allen & Maureen Lee: Developing Professional Practice in the Early Years
Developing Professional Practice in the Early Years encourages the reader to critically consider key aspects of early childhood education and care. The book is a valuable and accessible tool for thos …