Autore: Mayumi Itoh

Mayumi Itoh is a former Professor of Political Science at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA. She has also taught at Princeton University, USA, and Queens College, CUNY, USA. She is the author of numerous books, including Globalization of Japan: Japanese Sakoku Mentality and U.S. Efforts to Open Japan and The Hatoyama Dynasty: Japanese Political Leadership Through the Generations.

5 Ebook di Mayumi Itoh

Mayumi Itoh: The Origins of Contemporary Sino-Japanese Relations
In this book, Mayumi Itoh presents a comprehensive and in-depth examination of China’s first Premier Zhou Enlai’s youth in Japan, where he received his enlightenment in Marxism from the Japanese scho …
Mayumi Itoh: Animals and the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
This book is the first comprehensive, in-depth English language study of the animals that were left behind in the exclusion zone in the wake of the nuclear meltdown of three of the four reactors at t …
Mayumi Itoh: The Making of China’s War with Japan
This cutting edge study examines the career of Chinese politician and diplomat Zhou Enlai (1898–1976) and assesses his leadership role in the Communist Party of China’s (CPC) strategy against the Jap …
Mayumi Itoh: The Making of China’s Peace with Japan
This text provides a comprehensive re-examination of post-World War II Sino-Japanese relations, focusing notably on Chinese premier Zhou Enlai’s foreign policy toward Japan. It juxtaposes Zhou’s stan …
Mayumi Itoh: The Japanese Culture of Mourning Whales
This book provides an in-depth study of Japanese whaling culture, emphasizing how the Japanese have considered whales and whaling in relation to their understanding of nature and religion. It examine …