Mike Wallace is a Professor of Public Management at Cardiff
Business School, Cardiff University. He researches the management
of complex and programmatic public service change in a context of
high accountability and permanent reform.
Michael Fertig is a Lecturer in Education at the
University of Bath.
Eugene Schneller is a Professor at the School of Health
Management and Policy, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona
State University.
2 Ebook di Michael Fertig
Mike Wallace & Michael Fertig: Managing Change in the Public Services
This book explores the management of change to improve public service effectiveness. It breaks new ground in addressing why public service change is becoming increasingly complex to manage, how peopl …
Jochen Kluve & David Card: Active Labor Market Policies in Europe
Measures of Active Labor Market Policy – such as training, wage subsidies, public employment measures, and job search assistance – are widely used in European countries to combat unemployment. Little …