Peter Losonczi is an associate professor at the Department of Philosophy, University of West Hungary. His publications include essays and books, among others the co-edited volumes Reflecting Diversity (LIT, Wien-Berlin-London, 2007), Religio Academici (Akademiai/Wolters Kluwer, Budapest, 2009) and From Political Theory to Political Theology (Continuum, London-New York, forthcoming 2010).
4 Ebook di Michael Funk Deckard
Michael Funk Deckard & Péter Losonczi: Philosophy Begins in Wonder
Philosophy begins with wonder, according to Plato and Aristotle. Yet Plato and Aristotle did not expand a great deal on what precisely wonder is. Does this fact alone not raise curiosity in us as to …
Koen Vermeir & Michael Funk Deckard: The Science of Sensibility: Reading Burke’s Philosophical Enquiry
Attracting philosophers, politicians, artists as well as the educated reader, Edmund Burke’s Philosophical Enquiry, first published in 1757, was a milestone in western thinking. This edited volume wi …
Michael Funk Deckard & Michael Funk Deckard: Philosophy Begins in Wonder
Philosophy begins with wonder, according to Plato and Aristotle. Yet Plato and Aristotle did not expand a great deal on what precisely wonder is. Does this fact alone not raise curiosity in us as to …
Azadeh Thiriez-Arjangi & Geoffrey Dierckxsens: Le mal et la symbolique
The contributions in this book address the relation between evil, symbolism and psychoanalysisc by focusing on the two works of Riœur in which these topics play the most prominent role: The Symbolism …