Autore: Michele La Rocca

Michele La Rocca is a Full Professor of Statistics at the University of Salerno, Italy. He has published scientific papers on empirical likelihood, nonlinear time series and neural networks, resampling techniques, with applications to biological and financial data. He is an elected member of ISI and a former member of the Charting Committee of the International Society for Nonparametric Statistics. Brunero Liseo has been a Full Professor of Statistics at the School of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, since 2002. He has published more than 60 papers in international, peer-reviewed journals. His research interests include Bayesian inference, distribution theory, official statistics, and stochastic processes. He is the Director of the Ph.D. School of Economics, Sapienza, and a member of the Advisory Board of ISTAT, and of NADO Italia – the National Anti-Doping Organization, the Italian chapter of WADA. Luigi Salmaso is a Full Professor of Statistics at the Department of Management and Engineering at the University of Padua, Italy. He is the author and creator of the Non Parametric Combination Test software for multivariate and multistrata permutation tests. He has published more than 100 papers in international, peer-reviewed journals. His main research interests include nonparametric statistics, multivariate analysis, conjoint analysis, big data analytics, and biostatistics. He has received over 3000 citations and written a leading book on permutation testing. He is an Associate Editor for various international ISI journals. 

5 Ebook di Michele La Rocca

Michele La Rocca & Brunero Liseo: Nonparametric Statistics
Highlighting the latest advances in nonparametric and semiparametric statistics, this book gathers selected peer-reviewed contributions presented at the 4th Conference of the International Society fo …
Michele La Rocca: La dea eterna
Che immagine abbiamo del passato? Siamo capaci di immaginare  un’altra storia che racconta le nostre origini? Possiamo riconsiderare  la nostra visione del sacro, del divino, di Dio? Questo …
Fabrizio Bartoli & Michele La Rocca: La loggia Mother Kilwinning No. 0
La Loggia “Mother Kilwinning n°. 0” si trova in Scozia ed è considerata, da coloro che seguono l’istituzione iniziatica muratoria nelle varie nazioni,  la prima Loggia massonica al mondo e per q …
Fabrizio Bartoli & Michele La Rocca: L’Ordine del Tempio oltre il velo
In un momento storico così difficile questo libro invita il lettore ad affrontare qualunque destino con l’energia di un Cavaliere e la determinazione di un Templare. Si affronta un tema sempre affasc …
Michele La Rocca: L’ombra del codice templare
 A cavallo tra Duecento e Trecento, mentre l’Eu­ropa è scossa da guerre e complotti, il potente Or­dine dei Templari si trova improvvisamente sotto attacco. Papa Clemente V, sotto la pressione d …