Autore: Miriam Cohen

Ronald Himler began his career as a children”s book artist in 1972, and has illustrated over 160 books and several hundred book covers. He has received more than thirty-five awards, nominations, and citations of excellence including a Silver Medal from the Society of Illustrators and a Christopher Award. Several of his books have been Reading Rainbow Selections. In addition to illustrating children”s books, Ron also does oil paintings of Plains Indian culture that are exhibited in galleries throughout the country. Ron lives in the desert outside of Tucson, AZ. Ronald Himler”s website:

5 Ebook di Miriam Cohen

Miriam Cohen: Julia Lathrop
Julia Lathrop was a social servant, government activist, and social scientist who expanded notions of women”s proper roles in public life during the early 1900s. Appointed as chief of the U.S. Child …
Miriam Cohen: Julia Lathrop
Julia Lathrop was a social servant, government activist, and social scientist who expanded notions of women”s proper roles in public life during the early 1900s. Appointed as chief of the U.S. Child …
Miriam Cohen: Adults and Other Children
‘These shockingly insightful stories, riddled with breathtaking observation, are also, frequently, laugh out loud funny. Wisdom and hilarity are such a gorgeous couple, and Miriam Cohen makes the abs …