Autore: Mohammad Amin Sheikho

Mohammad Amin Sheikho (1890-1964) A.D, (1308-1384) A.H — Early Years M. Amin Sheikho was born in al-Ward district in Sarouja Quarter, one of the historical districts of Damascus, in Syria which was called mini-Istanbul during the period of the Ottoman rule. He was raised in an Arab style house situated opposite the famous public al-Ward Bathhouse. This house stands there to the present day. M. Amin Sheikho was still young when his father, the merchant Ismael Sheikho, departed this world. Mohammad Saleem, the only and elder brother of Mohammad Amin, was assigned as a director of the Military School during the Ottoman rule. — Education At the age of twelve the boy who was to become the great scholar was enrolled at al-Rashidiya School, he then went on to complete his studies in Amber, the Royal Ottoman Faculty in Damascus. He received many certificates of praise and commendation during the Ottoman rule and then under the reign of King Faisal in Syria. There are many copies of these certificates still preserved in trustworthy hands. — Achievements During the period of the Turkish rule, he was head of many police-stations in Damascus and its dependent counties. He was a shining example to all for his unfailing attention to duty, the vitality with which he approached every task, and the high level of achievement in many varied deeds which were of great benefit to mankind. During the French mandate he was appointed a director of the prisons of the citadel of Damascus. When the great Syrian uprising took place against the French forces, he helped the revolutionaries in every conceivable way until they placed the seal of the revolution in his trustworthy hands. Due to his subversive activities he fell foul of the French governor of Syria resulting in an order being issued for his execution; but the Almighty God saved him. During this period he was compliant in many attempts to overthrow French rule. He was the companion of Sheikh Amin Kuftaro for almost twenty years and following his death M. Amin Sheikho followed his footsteps and became the next in succession to guide and teach the disciples of the eminent sheikh. His assemblies were distinguished by the profound level of wisdom with which he imparted his teaching and guidance. He took great care to draw the attention of his followers to beware of the tales of the Israelites which defame the biography of the noble persons, the Envoys of God (pth), and of anything ascribed to them which conflicts their perfection and impeccability. In 1953, the famous coeval philosopher, Sir John Godolphin Bennett came from Britain to visit him. He remained in his company for three weeks that were filled with lengthy dialogues about the religion of Islam and its actuality. Sir John asked M. Amin Sheikho many questions about the exact definition of the “spirit” and the difference between that and the “soul”, as well as asking for clarification about Godly Justice, a topic which he found difficult to comprehend. As a result of this visit, Sir John practised Islamic legislation and performed the prayers along with the followers of the scholar. This visit was referred to briefly in the autobiography of Sir John Bennett in his book Witness; but after his death, a book containing special personal recollections written by Sir John was published in 1975 under the title Journeys in Islamic Countries, wherein he spoke in detail about this meeting.

45 Ebook di Mohammad Amin Sheikho

Mohammad Amin Sheikho: Zakat ‘Alms giving’
In this valuable article you find the real meaning of Zakat “Alms giving” . What is the high wisdom behind this pillar? Why the Almighty Al’lah, through His Divine books, has ordered his people to do …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho: La Foi
Beaucoup de gens pensent que la foi en Dieu exige la lecture de plusieurs livres religieux et également se pencher sur leurs études ou bien d’avoir la parfaite maitrise de la langue arabe et ses règl …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho: The Second Coming of Christ
This book is exquisitely new. It is strange but true: about things that are not said, informed by the events that are happening around us, and facts that are beyond dispute. Actually when you start r …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Le Bonheur, Est‐il vraiment hors de portée?
Si tu n’a pas de connaissance sur ton Créateur qui t’a amené dans ce monde, comment pourras-tu arriver au bonheur? Observe tes deux mains!! Qui les a faites de cette façon? Sans ces mains comment pou …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Interpretation of the Thirtieth Part of the Holy Qur’an
In Am’ma Part we can see how Al’lah overwhelms us with His Favor and Charity and guards us by His Mercy and great Care. Within it, we can see the Godly Justice has been manifested Itself with Its mos …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: ‘Al’lah Is Greater’ Be Kind to Animal
New scientific medical discovery in Islamic method of (Animal slaughter) and without the use of any stunning method: Today we stand before the medical fact of pronouncing ‘in the Name of God, Allah i …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: The Sources of Spring Water in the World
What is the spirit? where is the center of its existence? and what is its function? What is the soul? where is the center of its existence? and what is its function? What is the thought? where does i …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians
How terrible are the words that issued from the mouths of those deceivers from amongst the jews, who used false statements to insert intrigue into the books of Islam. Their words about the possible u …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Al’lah and the Beginning of Creation
In the name of God the All Compassionate the All-Merciful The Almighty Al’lah and the beginning of creation is a very important Devine elucidation, it should be known by every human being that it rev …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Pilgrimage ‘Hajj’
What wisdom lies behind the pilgrimage? What benefit comes from its strange rituals? Why should the pilgrim dress in white, untailored cloth? What is the wisdom of circumambulating a big stone named …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Is happiness really beyond reach?!
Having noted the absence of happiness in human life, a group of scholars began to look for a way to attain this happiness. They could put their hands on the core of happiness by means of physical law …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Islam! What Are the Veil, Divorce, and Polygamy for?
In the same way the eater rush upon their bowl, all cultural circles in both East and West have rushed upon “the Islamites” criticizing and defaming. They accused us of encroachment upon woman’s righ …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Cupping
This book is quoted from the main book of Cupping which is very important for human kind Actually it is a summary of the important scientific Cupping book . The importance of this book is clear in es …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho: Pourquoi la Polygamie et le Divorce et le Voile en Islam?
Le voile est-il une calomnie en islam?verite… ou… Mensonge! Vu de l’occident, le port du voile (Hijab) en islam est un acte systématiquement opposé aux droits et à l’émancipation de la femme. Certa …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Les sept cieux et l’impressionnante réalité des six jours de la création
Allah le Très Haut dit: «votre seigneur, c’est Dieu, Celui qui créa les cieux et la terre en six jours…» (5.7 :54) Que de nobles versets révélés dans les livres célestes et dont seuls les gens de l …
Samir Ahmed al Hindy & Mohammad Amin Sheikho: La Visite Du Prophete Mohammad (Pbsl)
La visite du prophète Mohammad (Pbsl) et les faits mystiques que produit l’amour de celui-ci sur l’élévation spirituelle du croyant.   Allah le Très Haut dit: «Dis: si vos parents, vos enfants, …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho: L’Envoyé De La Paix Se Profile A L’horizon
Aboutissement de plusieurs années de recherche, cet ouvrage informe sur le sens des événements qui surviennent autour de nous et qui ont un lien direct avec le destin de l’humanité. Il aborde sans ét …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: The Effective Medication
The commandments of Prophetic Medicine:
  • Dosage of pure castor oil
  • Enema of water ‘suspended starch’
How to use this natural medicine, and what are the correct rules of us …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Islamic Education for Youths
This book is considered a very important educating book for children and youth, it is the first book which contains very important necessary Islamic information for youth. Moreover, the significant t …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Les Origines Des Eaux De Source Dans Le Monde
– Pourauoi Dieu Tout-puissant a-t-Il créé cet univers? – N’est-ce pas pour un grand objet que Dieu nous a crees? – Lousque l’homme ouvre un commerce, n’est- ce pas por faire des bénéfices? – Alors, p …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho: Les Pages de la Gloire Immortelle
Je cherche refuge auprès d’Allah contre Satan le lapidé. Au Nom de Dieu, le Tout Compatissant, le Tout Miséricordieux. {Parmi ceux que Nous avons créés, il y a une communauté qui guide (les autres) s …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Stories of the Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho – Part One
Mohammad Amin Sheikho Birth: 1890 A.D. Death: 1964 A.D. Precept: Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an Early Years Scholar Sheikho was born in al-Ward district in Sarouja Quarter, one of the historical d …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Les Miracles De La edecine Prophetique
Dieu l’exalté laisse-t-il son serviteur dans la maladie? Est –ce qu’il vous laisse sous l’emprise des micobes, des virus et des bactéries afin que votre quotidien soit à la solde des maux et des doul …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Stories of the Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho – Part Two
Mohammad Amin Sheikho. Birth: 1890 A.D. Death: 1964 A.D. Precept: Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an. Early Years Scholar Sheikho was born in al-Ward district in Sarouja Quarter, one of the historical …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Islamic Education for Youths
This blessed book is prepared for teaching students and providing them with the highest culture based on the knowledge which is derived from the word of God the Almighty and from the holy Prophet’s ( …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Stories of the Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho – Part Three
Mohammad Amin Sheikho. Birth: 1890 A.D. Death: 1964 A.D. Precept: Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an. Early Years: Scholar Sheikho was born in al-Ward district in Sarouja Quarter, one of the historica …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Stories of the Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho – Part Four
Mohammad Amin Sheikho. Birth: 1890 A.D. Death: 1964 A.D. Precept: Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an. — Contents: 1- Killing a Cat Is Not a Joke 2- Brilliant Tactics 3- An Old Woman Finds a Safe Hav …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Islamic Education for Youths
This blessed book is prepared for teaching students and providing them with the highest culture based on the knowledge which is derived from the word of God the Almighty and from the holy Prophet’s ( …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Fasting
The Fruit of Fasting. In a holy saying, the Almighty says: “All deeds of son of Adam are done for themselves, except fasting; it is done for Me, and therefore, it is Me who gives the reward of it” An …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Interpretation of the Twenty-ninth Part of the Holy Qur’an
Interpretation of Tabarak Part (The Twenty-ninth Part of the Holy Qur’an) Authored by the Great Humane Eminent Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho (His soul has been sanctified by Al’lah) Checked and intro …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Facts of Psychology ‎and Sociology
Praise be to God, the Provider of the worlds, perfect ‎and complete communication with God is through the ‎best of the Creatures, our Prophet Mohammad who was ‎sent as the great Mercy to the worlds a …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: The Origin of Creation
This book begins with a comprehensive and concise study of all that took place in the pre-material world of al-Azal and the beginning of creation of this earthly world; it then continues by guiding u …
Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Stories of the Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho – Part Six
  • The French Weapons of Anjar Citadel Are Taken by Syrian Rebels.
  • Man’s Loyalty to His Country Is Paramount.
  • Lack of Commitment Leads to Failure of the Revolution.
  • EPUB
    Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Stories of the Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho – Part Seven
    • The True Benefits of Almsgiving
    • The Haunted House
    • A Vow Should Never Be Broken
    • Talking with the Dead
    • The Bus Conductor Is Caught Out
    • Th …
    Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Stories of the Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho – Part Eight
    CONTENTS: -Introduction. -The Faithful Mentor and the Lost Judge. -The Devil Was Thwarted and Confessed, “I have No Power over You”. -The Session of Truthfulness and the Voice of Reality. -A Terrible …
    Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: الحجامة: طب نبوي في منظوره العلمي الجديد
    الدواء العجيب الذي شفى من مرض القلب القاتل والشلل والسرطان والناعور والشقيقة والعقم. منذ ما ينوف عن سبعين عاماً قام العلاَّمة الإنساني الجليل محمد أمين شيخو باكتشاف عملية الحجامة على وجهها العلمي وال …
    Mohammad Amin Sheikho & A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani: Stories of the Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho – Part Five
    Mohammad Amin Sheikho Birth: 1890 A.D. Death: 1964 A.D. Precept: Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an CONTENTS – Introduction – Stories of the Scholar – Part 5 – The Dignity of a Believing Officer. – Hi …
    Mohammad Amin Sheikho: Le Monde Pré-Matériel
    Allah le glorieux a dit: { [Prophète] , quand ton Fournisseur a fait sortir les descendants des fils d’Adam, comme ils étaient supérieurs parmi toutes les créatures, et les a rendus témoins contre le …
    Mohammad Amin Sheikho: Interprétation De La Partie 29
    Au nom d’Allah, le Tout Clément par Essence et par Excellence.  {Voici un livre béni que Nous t’avons (Ô Mouhammad) révélé afin que les hommes en méditent les enseignements et que ceux qui sont …
    Mohammad Amin Sheikho: Le pèlerinage (Al-Hajj)
    Le vent peut souffler et faire dissiper les traces des caravanes dans le désert, tout comme l’ignorance du Livre d’Allah rend inaperçus les réalités éternelles dans le rituel sublime du pèlerinage. D …
    Mohammad Amin Sheikho: L’aumône (Al-Zakat)
    Louange à Allah, Seigneur de l’univers. Que la paix et la bénédiction d’Allah soient sur le Prophète Mouhammad lampe éclairante indiquée comme miséricorde pour l’humanité, sur sa famille et l’ensembl …
    Mohammad Amin Sheikho: La vérité de la prière (As-Salât)
    Allah, le Glorieux, a dit : {La communication avec Dieu [la prière] retient les comportements scandaleux et inacceptables…} . S-29/V-45
    • La vérité de la prière (As-Salât)
    • La sagesse …
    Mohammad Amin Sheikho: الإيمان
    خلق الله تعالى الإنسان وأغدق عليه من فيض برّه ورحمته ،كريماً يُظهر كرمه على خلقه، يتذوّق الإنسان بدنياه فضله وإحسانه، إذ أخرجه تعالى إلى هذا الوجود وأودع في رأسه جوهرة ثمينة وأعني بها الفكر.جهاز المع …
    Mohammad Amin Sheikho: L’Inviato Della Pace si Profila all’Orizzonte
    Dio dice: {E facemmo del figlio di Maria e di sua madre un Segno (Miracolo) e li ponemmo al riparo su una collina dotata di un rifugio e ricca di sorgenti}. S_53/V_50. Nel corso dei secoli fino ai gi …
    Mohammad Amin Sheikho: El Enviado De La Paz Se Asoma En El Horizonte
    Dios dice:  {Hicimos milagro al hijo de María y a su madre y les dimos cobijo en una ladera de monte firme y manantial} . S/23 – V/50. Durante siglos y hasta nuestros días, mucha gente ha estado …