Mónica Ramón Ríos was born in Santiago de Chile. She is the author of the novel
Segundos (2010) and the twin novels
Alias el Rucio and
Alias el Rocío (2014-2015). As a scholar, she has written extensively on Latin American literature and film. Her short stories have appeared in several anthologies and journals such as
Granta [Spain],
Alba, and
Buensalvaje. Ríos is also one of the creators of Sangría Editora, a publishing collective based in Santiago and New York.
Robin Myers was born in New York and is based in Mexico City. She is the author of several collections of poetry published as bilingual editions in Mexico, Argentina, and Spain. Her translations have appeared in
Asymptote, the
Los Angeles Review of Books,
Inventory, and elsewhere. In 2009, she was a fellow of the American Literary Translators Association (ALTA); in 2014, she was a resident translator at the Banff Literary Translation Centre (BILTC). Her translation of Ezequiel Zaidenwerg’s
Lyric Poetry Is Dead was published by Cardboard House Press in 2018.
2 Ebook di Mónica Ramón Ríos
Mónica Ramón Ríos: Cars on Fire
“When you live in an adopted country, when you’re an exile in your own body, names are simply lists that dull the reality of death.” Cars on Fire, Mónica Ramón Ríos’s electric, uncompromising English …
Vania Barraza & Carl Fischer: Chilean Cinema in the Twenty-First-Century World
Explores the global dimension and local identity of Chile s vibrant contemporary cinema.Focusing on films from Chile since 2000 and bringing together scholars from South and North America, Chilean Ci …