Australian Story, Mungo Mac Callum investigates the political success of Kevin Rudd. What does he know about Australia that his opponents don’t? This is a characteristically barbed and perceptive look at the challenges facing the government and the country. Mac Callum argues that the things we used to rely on are not there anymore. On the Right, the blind faith in markets has recently collapsed. The Left lost its guiding light with the demise of the socialist dream.
In entertaining fashion, Mac Callum dissects the myths that made Australia: the idea of the Lucky Country, with endless pastures, a workingman’s paradise, a new Britannia, and more. In newly uncertain times, Mac Callum argues, Rudd has sought to tap into these myths, in the process reclaiming them from John Howard.
Australian Story is both a canny assessment of the Rudd government’s election-winning approach and a broader meditation on the nation’s core traditions at a time of major change and challenge.
“Rudd has made it clear that he is looking forward to a long time in office …If the polls are to be believed, he is still seen as the best man for the job by an overwhelming majority of Australians. But why? What is it about this repetitive, boring, God-bothering nerd that appeals to the proverbially laid-back, cynical, disengaged public?” —Mungo Mac Callum,
Australian Story
Circa l’autore
Mungo Mac Callum is the author of The Good, the Bad and the Unlikely: Australia’s Prime Ministers. He has long been one of Australia’s most influential and entertaining political journalists, in a career spanning more than four decades.