In 1517 an Augustinian monk by the name of Martin Luther nailed ninety-five statements to the door at Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. This was not a means of open debate but a desire to discuss scholarly objections to church practices of the time. Five centuries later, many of the same errors and heresies have crept back into the evangelical church.
A modern ninety-five theses, couched in new terms for a new generation, require scholarly debate once again. Through modern-day apostles and prophets, and through the elitists within the evangelical church, the doctrine of buying God’s grace and favor has been propagated through appeals for seed offerings and ‘atonement-day’ donations in order to garner God’s blessings. Pragmatic approaches to preaching the gospel through such movements as the seeker-driven models have moved the focus of the message of Christ and the worship of God from being God-centered to human-centered. Sound historical doctrines, such as the Trinity, have been relegated to the sidelines in favor of unity and ecumenicalism with Oneness preachers.
In the words of Martin Luther, ‘Out of love for the truth and the desire to bring it to light, ‘ the following propositions need to be discussed in their entirety by church leaders, pastors, and laypeople alike.
Circa l’autore
Nancy A. Almodovar grew up in a Pentecostal home and eventually became a Reformed Christian. She has been a speaker and author for over a decade and converted to Lutheranism as a truer expression of the Scriptures. During this time, Nancy earned a doctorate in philosophy and apologetics (Trinity), a masters of theology (Trinity) and a masters of Christian studies (Luther Rice Seminary), and is currently working on a Fellow at the International Academy of Apologetics and Human Rights (Strasbourg). She is also a Fellow at the university where she teaches as a professor of world religions. She is the author of over twenty books, one on the problem of evil, Faith Seeking Consolation, and one on her journey out of charismatic theology, A Modern 95: Questions for Today’s Evangelicals and Accidental Lutheran, her story of converting to Lutheranism2242. The Apostolic Model for Defending the Faith – Dr. Nancy Almodovar, 8/12/21You Tube: Lutheran Girl: Proclaiming and Defending the Faith Issues, Etc.: Paths to Lutheranism: From Calvinism – Dr. Nancy Almodovar Issues, Etc.: Nancy Almodovar, Should Lutherans De-Emphasize the Sacraments to Attract People?