Nancy Vansieleghem is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the
Department of the Foundations of Education at Ghent University. In
her work, she explores alternative forms of educational practices
and experiments in terms of actions that seek to address the forces
of the market which exploit educational projects increasingly as
consumer products. She is the author of Dialogue as
Limit-Experience: A Portrait of Philosophy with Children as
Educational Project (2010).
David Kennedy is Professor of Educational Foundations at
Montclair State University, and Fellow of the Institute for the
Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC). His publications
include The Well of Being: Childhood, Subjectivity, and
Education (2006) and Philosophical Dialogue with Children:
Essays on Theory and Practice (2006), as well as numerous
journal articles on philosophy of childhood and on theory and
practice of community of philosophical inquiry with children.
5 Ebook di Nancy Vansieleghem
Nancy Vansieleghem & David Kennedy: Philosophy for Children in Transition
Philosophy for Children in Transition presents a diverse collection of perspectives on the worldwide educational movement of philosophy for children. Educators and philosophers establish the relation …
Nancy Vansieleghem & David Kennedy: Philosophy for Children in Transition
Philosophy for Children in Transition presents a diverse collection of perspectives on the worldwide educational movement of philosophy for children. Educators and philosophers establish the relation …
Brock Bahler & David Kennedy: Philosophy of Childhood Today
Although philosophy of childhood has always played some part in philosophical discourse, its emergence as a field of postmodern theory follows the rise, in the late nineteenth century, of psychoanaly …
Nancy Vansieleghem & Joris Vlieghe: Education in the Age of the Screen
This edited volume brings together experts from across the field of education to explore how traditional pedagogic and didactic forms and processes are changing, or even disappearing, as a result of …
Nancy Vansieleghem & Joris Vlieghe: Education in the Age of the Screen
This edited volume brings together experts from across the field of education to explore how traditional pedagogic and didactic forms and processes are changing, or even disappearing, as a result of …