Autore: Niall Duggan

Niall Duggan is a lecturer in the Department of Government and Politics at University College Cork, He was the Acting-Chair of Modern Chinese Society and Economy at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and lecturer at the Institute of East Asian Politics, Ruhr Universität Bochum.

3 Ebook di Niall Duggan

Niall Duggan: Competition and Compromise among Chinese Actors in Africa
This book explains why conflict exists among Chinese foreign-policy actors in Africa and argues against the concept that China has a grand strategy in relation to Africa. It does so by examining Sino …
Niall Duggan & Toni Haastrup: Routledge Handbook of EU-Africa Relations
This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the changing dynamics in the relationship between the African continent and the EU, provided by leading experts in the field. Structured into five p …
Niall Duggan & Toni Haastrup: Routledge Handbook of EU-Africa Relations
This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the changing dynamics in the relationship between the African continent and the EU, provided by leading experts in the field. Structured into five p …