Autore: Nick Grey

Adrian Whittington is Director of Education and Training at Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. A Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Adrian is passionate about enabling wider access to evidence-based psychological therapies. Adrian was a director of postgraduate training programmes in CBT before taking up his current role. He works clinically with people with anxiety disorders and depression, particularly following trauma, and teaches on the postgraduate CBT training programme at the University of Sussex, UK. Nick Grey is Joint Clinical Director and Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma (CADAT), South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, King”s Health Partners. He is actively involved in disseminating cognitive behavioural therapies, trying to ensure that the most effective treatments are applied in routine care. A BABCP-accredited practitioner, supervisor and trainer, Nick is also Honorary Lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry and editor of A Casebook of Cognitive Therapy for Traumatic Stress Reactions (2009).

7 Ebook di Nick Grey

Adrian Whittington & Nick Grey: How to Become a More Effective CBT Therapist
How to Become a More Effective CBT Therapist explores effective ways for therapists to move beyond competence to ‘metacompetence’, remaining true to the core principles of CBT while adapting …
Adrian Whittington & Nick Grey: How to Become a More Effective CBT Therapist
How to Become a More Effective CBT Therapist explores effective ways for therapists to move beyond competence to ‘metacompetence’, remaining true to the core principles of CBT while adapting …
Nick Grey: Casebook of Cognitive Therapy for Traumatic Stress Reactions
Many people experience traumatic events and whilst some gradually recover from such experiences, others find it more difficult and may seek professional help for a range of problems. A Casebook of …
Nick (South London and Maudsley Foundation NHS Trust, UK) Grey: A Casebook of Cognitive Therapy for Traumatic Stress Reactions
Many people experience traumatic events and whilst some gradually recover from such experiences, others find it more difficult and may seek professional help for a range of problems. A Casebook of Co …
Nick (South London and Maudsley Foundation NHS Trust, UK) Grey: A Casebook of Cognitive Therapy for Traumatic Stress Reactions
Many people experience traumatic events and whilst some gradually recover from such experiences, others find it more difficult and may seek professional help for a range of problems. A Casebook of Co …
Gillian Butler & Nick Grey: Manage Your Mind
Manage Your Mind is a book for building resilience, overcoming emotional difficulties and enabling self-development. It is for any of us who wish to understand ourselves better, to be more effective …
Gillian Butler & Nick Grey: Manage Your Mind
Manage Your Mind is a book for building resilience, overcoming emotional difficulties and enabling self-development. It is for any of us who wish to understand ourselves better, to be more effective …