Autore: Nicole Boivin

Michael Petraglia is Head of the Human Evolution, Environment and Culture group of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, Germany. He is the author of 150 journal articles and book chapters and co-editor of eight books and special journal issues, including The Evolution of Human Populations in Arabia: Palaeoenvironments, Prehistory and Genetics (2009) and The Evolution and History of Human Populations in South Asia: Inter-disciplinary Studies in Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Linguistics and Genetics (2007). His research interests include the biological and cultural evolution of hominins and the dispersal of human populations out of Africa.

5 Ebook di Nicole Boivin

Owic & Nicole Boivin: Soils Stones and Symbols Cultural Perceptions of the Mineral World
Ethnographic and archaeological records feature a rich body of data suggesting that understandings of the mineral world are in fact both culturally variable and highly diverse. Soils, Stones and Symb …
Owic & Nicole Boivin: Soils Stones and Symbols Cultural Perceptions of the Mineral World
Ethnographic and archaeological records feature a rich body of data suggesting that understandings of the mineral world are in fact both culturally variable and highly diverse. Soils, Stones and Symb …