Autore: Noralv Veggeland

Noralv Veggeland is Professor of Public Policy at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Lillehammer, Norway. He is former Director of Nordic Regional Research Institute (Nord REFO, Copenhagen. Being visiting professor two times at Massachusetts State University, Amherst, USA and European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Italy. Earlier Member of the Norwegian Research Council.

11 Ebook di Noralv Veggeland

Noralv Veggeland: Democratic Governance in Scandinavia
This book studies the emergence of the regulatory state in Europe and its impact on democratic governance in Scandinavia. On the basis of comparative studies on various government structures in Scand …
Noralv Veggeland: Innovative Regulatory Approaches Coping with Scandinavian and European Union Policies
This book analyzes the regulatory regimes that are now having their day of dominance. The traditional ideal of democracy as governance by the people has been overshadowed by the practice of …
Noralv Veggeland: Essays on Regulatory Governance
"Essays on Regulatory Governance", is an ambitious study of the regulatory state and represents a timely and apposite analysis. It incisively analyzes the regulatory top-down regimes that …
Noralv Veggeland: Current Nordic Welfare State Model
The Nordic Social Welfare State Model has its intellectual roots in the depression of the 1930s, but was formed in the 1950s and got its name in the 1970s. Following the traditional model, it has …
Noralv Veggeland: Keynesian Policies – A New Deal in the European Narrative
Keynesian Policies – A New Deal in the European Narrative: Employment, Equality and Sustainability has its intellectual roots in the Great Depression of the 1930s followed by the appearance of …
Noralv Veggeland: Administrative Strategies of our Time
Author/Noralv Veggeland is a Professor of Public Policy, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. Lillehammer, Norway. He is a former Rector of his University, Managing and Research Director of …
Sarah Brackman: Taxes in the United States
This book examines the most recent developments, analysis and research concerning taxation in the United States. Topics discussed in this compilation include the potential federal tax implications of …
Valerie Duskin: Virtual Currency and the Bitcoin Revolution
This book presents current information on virtual currency and the bitcoin revolution. It provides several statements and testimonies from hearings on "Beyond Silk Road: Potential Risks, …
Larisa P Krylova & Grzegorz Nyszko: News in Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biotechnology
In this volume, we included information about the preparation, characterization and applications of magnesium stearate, cobalt stearate and copper stearate, and the water sorption of polyvinyl …
Giuseppe Ambrosio & Jose Milei: Recent Advances in Cardiology
This book deals with several subjects of actual interest in the field of cardiology, developed by experienced researchers in their respective fields. The authors comment on their own papers and …
Davide Fiscaletti & Amrit Srecko Sorli: Infinite History of NOW
The development of theoretical physics can be seen as a continuous improvement of the models of space and time. In particular, the beginning of the 21st century brought a new vision into quantum …