Autore: Oskar Dangl

Prof. Oskar Dangl teaches at the Ecclesiastical Teaching College of Vienna/Krems and is Director of the Competence Centre for Human Rights Education. Dr. Doris Lindner heads the Institute for Research and Development in the same institution.

3 Ebook di Oskar Dangl

Oskar Dangl & Doris Lindner: Wie Menschenrechtsbildung gelingt
Human rights education is concerned with imparting knowledge and information about human rights; it is also concerned with tools and methods for human rights education for use in schools (and extracu …
Oskar Dangl & Doris Lindner: Wie Menschenrechtsbildung gelingt
Human rights education is concerned with imparting knowledge and information about human rights; it is also concerned with tools and methods for human rights education for use in schools (and extracu …
Andrea Lehner-Hartmann & Thomas Krobath: Inklusion in/durch Bildung?
Die Beiträge in diesem Band bieten vielfältige internationale und regionale Zugänge zum Thema Inklusion. Sie laden sowohl zu einem problem- als auch zu einem perspektivenorientierten Verständnis von …