Autore: P. Lægreid

TOBIAS BACH Research Fellow, University of Potsdam, Germany DARIO BARBIERI Assistant Professor, Bocconi University, Italy JOHN P. BURNS Professor, University of Hong Kong, China TOM CHRISTENSEN Professor, University of Oslo, Norway PAOLO FEDELE Assistant Professor, Udine University, Italy DAVIDE GALLI Consultant at Business Integration Partners, Italy MARIEKE VAN GENUGTEN Assistant Professor, University of Twente, the Netherlands GYÖRGY HAJNAL Senior Researcher/Head of Department, ECOSTAT Government Research Institute, Department of Public Administration Research, Hungary JOHN HALLIGAN Professor, University of Canberra, Australia CLAUDE LAURIN Professor, HEC Montreal, Canada MARTINO MAGGETTI Senior Researcher/Lecturer, University of Zurich and University of Lausanne, Switzerland JOERY MATTHYS Researcher, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium FALKE MEYERS Expert, Flemish Agency for Personnel and Organization, Belgium EDOARDO ONGARO Professor, Bocconi University, Italy MARTIN PAINTER Professor, City University of Hong Kong, China MARIE-ÈVE QUENNEVILLE Lecturer, HEC Montreal, Canada VIDAR WANGEN ROLLAND Adviser, Norwegian Social Science Data Services, Norway JAN ROMMEL Researcher, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium PAUL G. RONESS Professor, University of Bergen, Norway ANDREW SULLE Research Fellow, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium NICOLE THIBODEAU Assistant Professor, Willamette University, USA BRAM VERSCHUERE Assistant Professor, University College Gent, Belgium WAY-HANG YEE Senior Research Associate, City University of Hong Kong, China JOHN-ERIK ÅGOTNES Adviser, Directorate of Fisheries, Norway

3 Ebook di P. Lægreid

P. Lægreid & K. Verhoest: Governance of Public Sector Organizations
Governance of Public Sector Organizations a nalyzes recent changes in government administration by focusing on organizational forms and their effects. Contributors to this edited volume demonstrate h …
K. Verhoest & S. Van Thiel: Government Agencies
This book describes and compares how semi-autonomous agencies are created and governed by 30 governments. It leads practitioners and researchers through the crowded world of agencies, describing thei …
P. Lægreid & K. Sarapuu: Organizing for Coordination in the Public Sector
This collection focuses on public sector coordination, key aspect of governments’ have sought to tackle contemporary policy challenges. By guiding the reader through 20 case studies of novel coordina …