Dr. P. Parvatha Reddy obtained his M.Sc. (Agri.) degree from Karnataka University, Dharwad and Ph. D. degree jointly from the University of Florida, USA and the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore.
Dr. Reddy served as the Director of the prestigious Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) at Bangalore from 1999 to 2002 during which period the Institute was honoured with “ICAR Best Institution Award”. He also served as the Head, Division of Entomology and Nematology at IIHR and gave tremendous impetus and direction to research, extension and education in developing bio-intensive integrated pest management strategies in horticultural crops. These technologies are being practiced widely by the farmers across the country since they are effective, economical, eco-friendly and residue-free. Dr. Reddy has about 34 years of experience working with horticultural crops and involved in developing an F1 tomato hybrid “Arka Varadan” resistant to root-knot nematodes. Hehas also developed bio-intensive integrated pest management strategies in horticultural crops using eco-friendly components such as bio-control agents, botanicals and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
Dr. Reddy has over 237 scientific publications to his credit, which also include 25 books. He has also guided two Ph.D. students at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore.
Dr. Reddy has been awarded with the prestigious “Association for Advancement Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems Award”, “Dr. G.I. D’souza Memorial Lecture Award”, “Prof. H.M. Shah Memorial Award” and “ Hexamar Agricultural Research and Development Foundation Award” for his unstinted efforts in developing sustainable, bio-intensive and eco-friendly integrated pest management strategies in horticultural crops.
Dr. Reddy served as a member of the Research Advisory Committee of the National Centre for Integrated Pest Management, New Delhi; the National Research Centre for Citrus, Nagpurand the Project Directorate of Biological Control, Bangalore. He also served as a Member of the ICAR Scientific Panel for Nematology, Member, QRT to review the progress of AICRP on Nematodes and AINRP on Betelvine. He is the Honorary Fellow of the Society for Plant Protection Sciences, New Delhi, Fellow of the Indian Phytopathological Society, New Delhi and Founder President of the Association for Advancement of Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems (AAPMHE), Bangalore.
Dr. Reddy has organized “Fourth International Workshop on Biological Control and Management of Chromolaena odorata”, “National Seminar on Hitech Horticulture”, “First National Symposium on Pest Management in Horticultural Crops: Environmental Implications and Thrusts” and “Second National Symposium on Pest Management in Horticultural Crops: New Molecules and Biopesticides”.
26 Ebook di P. Parvatha Reddy
P. Parvatha Reddy: Biointensive Integrated Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems
Through ‘Green Revolution’ in late 1960s, India achieved self-sufficiency in food production, but still the country has not achieved self-sufficiency in production of horticultural crops. Most of the …
P. Parvatha Reddy: Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria for Horticultural Crop Protection
The use of synthetic pesticides has undoubtedly resulted in the achievement of increased crop production. However, in recent times, there has been a considerable pressure on consumers and farmers to …
P. Parvatha Reddy: Climate Resilient Agriculture for Ensuring Food Security
Climate Resilient Agriculture for Ensuring Food Security comprehensively deals with important aspects of climate resilient agriculture for food security using adaptation and mitigation measures. Clim …
P. Parvatha Reddy: Plant Protection in Tropical Root and Tuber Crops
This book is a compilation of information on insect/mite/vertebrate pests and fungal/bacterial/viral/mycoplasma/nematode diseases of tropical root and tuber crops such as cassava, sweet potato, yams, …
P. Parvatha Reddy: Sustainable Intensification of Crop Production
This book outlines a new paradigm, Sustainable Intensification of Crop Production (SICP), which aims to produce more from the same area of land by increasing efficiency, reducing waste, conserving re …
P. Parvatha Reddy: Agro-ecological Approaches to Pest Management for Sustainable Agriculture
This book outlines a new paradigm, “ Agro-ecological Intensification of Crop Protection ”, which reduces negative impacts on the environment and enhances the provision of ecosystem services. It discu …
P. Parvatha Reddy: Sustainable Crop Protection under Protected Cultivation
This book focuses on pests (insect and mite) and diseases (fungal, bacterial, viral and nematode) in protected horticulture (fruits, vegetables and ornamentals) using physical, cultural, chemical, bi …
P.Parvatha Reddy: Recent advances in crop protection
In the recent years, the need to increase food production to meet the demands of rapidly increasing population from a limited land resource necessitated the use of intensive farming systems, with the …
rvatha Parvatha Reddy: Advances In Integrated Pest And Disease Management In Horticultural Crops (Fruit Crops)
India is the second largest producer of fruits next only to China contributing 10.9% of the total world production. Total production of fruits has been estimated at 55.355 million tonnes from 5.323 m …
rvatha Parvatha Reddy: Laboratory And Field Manual For Plant Nematology
The information on insect pests, diseases and nematode pests on plantation and spice crops is very much scattered. There is no book at present which comprehensively and exclusively deals with the abo …
rvatha Parvatha Reddy: Genetic Engineering For Crop Protection
Modern agricultural ecosystems, with their vast monocultures of genetically uniform crops, in many ways provide ideal conditions for adapted pests, weeds, and diseases. Despite widespread use of pest …
rvatha Parvatha Reddy: Hand Book Of Biological Control in Horticultural Crops (Biomanagement of Pests)
Productivity of horticultural crops in India is relatively low compared to other countries. Of the several factors responsible for lower productivity of horticultural crops, pests (insect and mite pe …
rvatha Parvatha Reddy: Hand Book Of Biological Control In Horticultural Crops (Biomanagement Of Diseases)
Productivity of horticultural crops in India is relatively low compared to other countries. Of the several factors responsible for lower productivity of horticultural crops, fungal, bacterial and vir …
rvatha Parvatha Reddy: Hand Book Of Biological Control In Horticultural Crops (Biomanagement Of Nematode Pests)
Productivity of horticultural crops in India is relatively low compared to other countries. Of the several factors responsible for lower productivity of horticultural crops, plant parasitic nematodes …
rvatha Parvatha Reddy: Nematode Disease Complexes In Horticultural Crops
Dr. P. Parvatha Reddy obtained his M.Sc. (Agri.) degree from Karnatak University, Dharwad, and Ph. D. degree jointly from the University of Florida, USA and the University of Agricultural Sciences, B …
rvatha Parvatha Reddv: Crop Protection Ecofriendly Approaches
intensive farming system warranted the use of high doses of chemical fertilizers, herbicides and plant protection chemicals which have damaged the soil health (soil flora and fauna), productivity and …
Rakesh Pandey & rvatha Parvatha Reddy: Plant Protection In Medicinal And Aromatic Plants
Medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) form one of the important groups due to their demand in various cosmetic, food, flavoring, perfumery and pharmaceutical industries and also to earn foreign exchan …
rvatha Parvatha Reddy: Advances in Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Horticultural Crops (Plantation and Spice Crops)
The information on insect pests, diseases and nematode pests on plantation and spice crops is very much scattered. There is no book at present which comprehensively and exclusively deals with the abo …
rvatha Parvatha Reddy: Advances in Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Horticultural Crops (Ornamental, Medicinal, Aromatic and Tuber Crops)
The information on pests, diseases and nematode pests on ornamental, medicinal, aromatic and tuber crops is very much scattered. There is no book at present which comprehensively …
rvatha Parvatha Reddy: Advances in Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Horticultural Crops (Vegetable Crops)
Successful cultivation of vegetables is hampered due to the incidence of several insect pests, diseases and nematodes. Pest management in vegetables in South Asia is a very complex issue in view of t …
P. Parvatha Reddy: Smart Farming Technologies to Attain Food and Nutrition Security
The concept of Rainbow Revolution is an integrated development of crop cultivation, horticulture, forestry, fishery, poultry, animal husbandry, and food processing industry. The concept of Smart Farm …
P. Parvatha Reddy: Smart Farming Technologies to Attain Food and Nutrition Security
The concept of Rainbow Revolution is an integrated development of crop cultivation, horticulture, forestry, fishery, poultry, animal husbandry, and food processing industry. The concept of Smart Farm …
P. Parvatha Reddy: Hi-Tech Farming for Enhancing Horticulture Productivity
This book highlights the underlying principles and outlines some of the key hi-tech practices and technology interventions required to achieve enhanced productivity.It discusses horticulture technolo …
P. Parvatha Reddy: Hi-Tech Farming for Enhancing Horticulture Productivity
This book highlights the underlying principles and outlines some of the key hi-tech practices and technology interventions required to achieve enhanced productivity.It discusses horticulture technolo …
P. Parvatha Reddy: Advances in Diagnosis and Management of Phytonematodes
Advances in Diagnosis and Management of Phytonematodes provides information on various aspects of diagnosis and eco-friendly nematode management. It explains at length nematode diagnosis-morphologica …
P. Parvatha Reddy: Advances in Diagnosis and Management of Phytonematodes
Advances in Diagnosis and Management of Phytonematodes provides information on various aspects of diagnosis and eco-friendly nematode management. It explains at length nematode diagnosis-morphologica …