There are many remaining challenges impeding future progress in field of Clinical Diagnostics. This book presents a technical assessment and vision of clinical leaders, scoping the clinical and other diagnostic needs and the bottle-necks in their cognate fields. Issues of real environmental biological measurements from the perspective of the end-user are presented and thus the book serves to inform the direction of the fundamental scientific efforts. Both editors are experienced practitioners within the biosensor technology and are involved first-hand with the healthcare and clinical applications of detection science.
Tabella dei contenuti
Introduction; Sensitive detection as an interface process; Improved ion-, gas- and bio-sensors; Long term implantable sensors; Ultrasensitive Protein microarrays; Monitoring nitro-oxidative stress; Nano-bio-interface diagnostics; Discussion and conclusions
Circa l’autore
Dr. Serban Peteu’s research interest is in biosensors, where he has advanced methods to detect metal ions or monitor nitro-oxidative stress in biological fluids. Both electrochemical and optochemical sensing have been investigated, furthermore the response being enhanced via hybrid organic-inorganic nano-architectures. Present work involves nanowire based bio-catalytic interfaces for electrochemical and field-effect sensors. Projects include: semiconductor based lancet type biosensors, electroactive polymers soft actuators, bioreactors designed and fabricated for vaccine research and for water remediation, other equipment and devices to improve the quality of life.