This volume collects peer-reviewed short papers presented at the Optimization and Decision Science conference (ODS 2022) held in Florence (Italy) from August 30th to September 2nd, 2022, organized by the Global Optimization Laboratory within the University of Florence and AIRO (the Italian Association for Operations Research).
The book includes contributions in the fields of operations research, optimization, problem solving, decision making and their applications in the most diverse domains. Moreover, a special focus is set on the challenging theme Operations Research: inclusion and equity.
The work offers 30 contributions, covering a wide spectrum of methodologies and applications. Specifically, they feature the following topics: (i) Variational Inequalities, Equilibria and Games, (ii) Optimization and Machine Learning, (iii) Global Optimization, (iv) Optimization under Uncertainty, (v) Combinatorial Optimization, (vi) Transportationand Mobility, (vii) Health Care Management, and (viii) Applications.
This book is primarily addressed to researchers and Ph D students of the operations research community. However, due to its interdisciplinary content, it will be of high interest for other closely related research communities.
Tabella dei contenuti
1 Georgia Fargetta, Laura Rosa Maria Scrimali. Time-Dependent Generalized Nash Equilibria in Social Media Platforms.- 2 Annamaria Barbagallo, Serena Guarino Lo Bianco. A general Cournot-Nash equilibrium principle and applications to the COVID-19 pandemic.- 3 M. Ángeles Caraballo, Asunción Zapata, Luisa Monroy, Amparo Mármol. Environmental damage reduction: when countries face conflicting objectives.- 4 Lorenzo Lampariello, Simone Sagratella, Valerio Giuseppe Sasso. Nonsmooth Hierarchical Multi Portfolio Selection.- 5 Mauro Passacantando, Fabio Raciti. A multiclass network international migration model under shared regulations.- 6 Luca Bravi, Andrew Harbourne-Thomas, Alessandro Lori, Peter Mitchell, Samuele Salti, Leonardo Taccari, Francesco Sambo. GPS data mining to infer fleet operations for personalised product upselling.- 7 Cristiano Cervellera, Danilo Macciò, Francesco Rebora. Voronoi recursive binary trees for the optimization of nonlinear functionals.- 8 Alberto Ceselliand Elia Togni. Mathematical Programming and Machine Learning for a Task Allocation Game.- 9 Leo Liberti, Benedetto Manca, Antoine Oustry, and Pierre-Louis Poirion. Random projections for semidefinite programming.- 10 Ana Garcia-Bernabeu, Adolfo Hilario-Caballero, José Vicente Salcedo, Francisco Salas-Molina. Approaches to ESG – Integration in Portfolio Optimization using MOEAs.- 11 Milan Hladík. Complexity Issues in Interval Linear Programming.- 12 Patrizia Beraldi and Sara Khodaparasti. Dynamic Pricing in the Electricity Retail Market: A Stochastic Bi-Level Approach.- 13 Edoardo Fadda, Daniele Giovanni Gioia and Paolo Brandimarte. Robust Approaches for a Two-Stage Assembly-to-Order Problem.- 14 Giulia Ansuini, Antonio Frangioni, Laura Galli, Giovanni Nardini, Giovanni Stea. Bi-dimensional Assignment in 5G Periodic Scheduling.- 15 Meisam Pour-Massahian-Tafti, Matthieu Godichaud and Lionel Amodeo. Capacitated Disassembly Lot-Sizing Problem with Disposal Decisions for Multiple Product Types with Parts Commonality.- 16 Nikola Obrenović, Selin Ataç, Stefano Bortolomiol, Sanja Brdar, Oskar Marko, Vladimir Crnojević. The Crop Plant Scheduling Problem.- 17 Elena Ausonio, Patrizia Bagnerini, Mauro Gaggero. A MILP Formulation and a Metaheuristic Approach for the Scheduling of Drone Landings and Payload Changes on an Automatic Platform.- 18 Rosita Guido, Gabriele Zangara, Giuseppina Ambrogio, Domenico Conforti. A flexible job shop scheduling model for Sustainable Manufacturing.- 19 Annarita De Maio, Roberto Musmanno, Aurora Skrame, Francesca Vocaturo. Selection of Cultural Sites via Optimization.- 20 Carla De Francesco and Luigi De Giovanni. Integer Linear Programming Formulations for the Fleet Quickest Routing Problem on Grids.- 21 Massimo Di Gangi and Antonio Polimeni. C-Weibit discrete choice model: a path based approach.- 22 Cristiano Cervellera, Danilo Macciò, Francesco Rebora. Receding-horizon dynamic optimization of port-city traffic interactions over shared urban infrastructure.- 23 David Di Lorenzo, Tommaso Bianconcini, Leonardo Taccari, Marco Gualtieri, Paolo Raiconi, Alessandro Lori. Ten years of Routist: vehicle routing lessons learned from practice.- 24 Maksim Lalić, Nikola Obrenović, Sanja Brdar, Ivan Luković, Michel Bierlaire. Assisting Passengers on Rerouted Train Service Using Vehicle Sharing System.- 25 Maurizio Boccia, Andrea Mancuso, Adriano Masone, Francesco Messina, Antonio Sforza, Claudio Sterle. Optimization for surgery department management: an application to a hospital in Naples.- 26 Christian Piermarini, Massimo Roma. The Ambulance Diversion phenomenon in an Emergency Department network: a case study.- 27 Nicolas Zufferey, Marie-Sklaerder Vié, Leandro Coelho. Reducing the supply-chain nervosity thanks to flexible planning.- 28 EP. Mezatio, MM. Aghelinejad, L. Amodeo, I. Ferreira. Design forward and reverse closed-loop supply chain to improve economic and environmental performances.- 29 Tatiana Grimard, Nadia Lehoux and Luc Lebel.Supply chain design and cost allocation in a collaborative three-echelon supply network: A literature review.- 30 S. Baldassarre, G. Bruno, M. Cavola and E. Pipicelli. A mathematical model to locate Services of General Economic Interest.
Circa l’autore
Paola Cappanera is Associate Professor of Operations Research at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence. She has a multidisciplinary educational background. Her main research interests are in combinatorial optimization and in the design of efficient algorithms with particular attention to health care, telecommunications, and transportation settings. She deeply investigated several research topics stemming from very different real contexts; the unifying feature is the focus on network flow-based methodologies and on problem structure. She received the Omega Best Paper Award 2018 in the health care and optimization area. She is currently in the Editorial Board of Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, Health Care Management Science and Operations Research for Health Care.Matteo Lapucci received his bachelor’s and master’s degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Florence in 2015 and 2018, respectively. He then received in 2022 his Ph.D. degree in Smart Computing jointly from the Universities of Florence, Pisa, and Siena. He is currently Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence. His main research interests include theory and algorithms for sparse, multi-objective, and large-scale constrained nonlinear optimization.
Fabio Schoen is Professor of Operations Research at the University of Florence (Italy). His main research interests deal with optimization methods, with particular reference to algorithms for non-convex optimization, the interface between machine learning and optimization, and the development of optimization models for applications. He is Scientific Coordinator of the Ph.D. program in Information engineering, University of Florence, and Member of the Editorial Board of EURO J on Computational Optimization, Computational Optimization and Applications, J of Global Optimization, Optimization Methods and Software, and Operations Research Letters. He was one of the founders of KKT srl (now: Verizon Connect Italy) and
Marco Sciandrone is Full Professor of Operations Research at Sapienza University of Rome. He received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in systems engineering from the Sapienza University of Rome, in 1991 and 1997, respectively. From 1998 to 2006, he was Researcher at the Institute of Systems Analysis and Computer Science (National Research Council) of Rome. From 2006 to 2017 and from 2018 to 2021, he has been, respectively, Associate Professor and Full Professor at University of Florence. His research interests include operations research, nonlinear optimization, and machine learning. He has published more than 60 papers on international journals. He is Associate Editor of the journals Optimization Methods and Software, and 4OR.
Fabio Tardella is Full Professor in Operations Research at the Department of Information Engineering (DINFO) of the University of Florence. Formerly at Sapienza University of Rome, he served as President of the Master Program Finance and Insurance and Head of the Department of Mathematics for Economic, Financial and Insurance decisions (now merged into the MEMOTEF Department). His research interests include optimization in finance and insurance, combinatorial optimization and its links with continuous optimization, quadratic programming, discrete convexity, lattice programming, and submodularity.Filippo Visintin is Associate Professor of Service Design and Management at the School of Engineering of Florence University. He is Scientific Director of the Information-Based Industrial Services Laboratory (IBIS Lab, He is Member of the Italian Management Engineering Association (Associazione italiana Ingegneria Gestionale—Ai IG). He is Co-founder and Co-owner of Smart Operations Srl, a University of Florence’s spin-off ( His research interests include servitizationof manufacturing, healthcare operations management, discrete-event simulation, and circular economy. He is Author of several research papers published in prestigious international journals such as the European Journal of Operational Research, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Computers in Industry, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Flexible Service and Manufacturing Journal, Management Decision, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Production Planning and Control, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, and PLOS One. He served as Guest Editor for Management Decision and Flexible Service and Manufacturing Journal.