Sandeep Parmar is Lecturer in English at the University of Liverpool, UK. She is editor of the Collected Poems of Hope Mirrlees (2011).
2 Ebook di Parmar Sandeep Parmar
Sandeep Parmar: Reading Mina Loy’s Autobiographies
Mina Loy is recognised today as one of the most innovative modernist poets, numbering Gertrude Stein, Marcel Duchamp, Djuna Barnes and T.S. Eliot amongst her admirers. Drawing on substantial new arch …
Sandeep Parmar: Reading Mina Loy’s Autobiographies
Mina Loy is recognised today as one of the most innovative modernist poets, numbering Gertrude Stein, Marcel Duchamp, Djuna Barnes and T.S. Eliot amongst her admirers. Drawing on substantial new arch …