Praise for The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Reconsidered
‘A worthy capstone that pulls together two decades of Carnegie Foundation projects on the scholarship of teaching and learning.The authors review the genesis of these ideas and envision a futureof continued integration of a culture of evidence in the world’suniversities and colleges. Projects end but the workcontinues.’
–Lee S. Shulman, president emeritus, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education emeritus, Stanford University
‘This book captures the most important lessons from a decade ofthoughtful experimentation with methods to improve the learningoutcomes of American college students. The authors have deepexperience in institutionalizing various approaches that have beendevised and endorsed by faculty in many kinds of higher educationsettings. It will be a manual for those seeking to improve theirown teaching and learning outcomes.’
–Katharine Lyall, president emerita, University of Wisconsin System
‘The authors recount the history of research into one’s ownteaching, further develop its conceptualization, and makerecommendations for how to bring it into the mainstream.Collectively, they have been at the center of the movement and havewritten, spoken, strategized, and organized conversations andscholarly work on the topic for many years. They present richexamples from many different environments and an unwavering visionof the benefits of the scholarship of teaching and learning and itspotential.’
–Nancy Chism, Indiana University School of Education, Indianapolis
‘This book reframes the literature on the scholarship ofteaching and learning, faculty development, assessment, and thefuture of higher education. The writing sparkles with freshanalysis on teaching, learning, academic culture, and thepossibilities for change. This book will help both individualfaculty and entire institutions to enhance scholarly teaching andto deepen student learning.’
–Peter Felten, assistant provost and director, Centerfor the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, and associateprofessor of history, Elon University
Tabella dei contenuti
Preface ix
About the Authors xvii
Executive Summary xix
1 Why the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Matters Today1
2 Teachers and Learning 24
3 The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Professional Growth, and Faculty Development 45
4 The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Meets Assessment69
5 Valuing–and Evaluating–Teaching 87
6 Getting There: Leadership for the Future 112
Appendix A: Exploring Impact: A Survey of Participants in the CASTL Institutional Leadership and Affiliates Program, 2009 128
Appendix B: The Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teachingand Learning: An Overview of the Program 153
Appendix C: Looking Back from 2030 162
References 166
Name Index 185
Subject Index 189
Circa l’autore
Pat Hutchings is the former vice president of The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, which she joined afterserving as a senior staff member at the American Association for Higher Education.
Mary Taylor Huber is senior scholar emerita andconsulting scholar at The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancementof Teaching.
Anthony Ciccone is professor of French and director ofthe Center for Instructional and Professional Development at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Formerly, he was seniorscholar and director of The Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching(CFAT) is an independent policy and research center. Itsmission is to support needed transformations in American educationthrough tighter connections between teaching practice, evidence ofstudent learning, the communication and use of this evidence, andstructured opportunities to build knowledge.