Patricia Johnson, a new published author, was born and raised most of her life in the Middletown, Delaware area. She graduated in 1958, was saved in 1980, and had been married for twenty-seven years. One night her husband told her it was him or God! This meant a divorce! She tried marriage a second time, but soon found she had made an unwise decision. It just wasn’t a good thing! One day after her devotions, she heard the Holy spirit say, “What’s more important, material things or her health?” She knew she had to leave, and quickly! She has lived with her son, Chris Buckworth and his family for 15 years now, and she has a daughter, Linda Barrett, and 5 grandsons, ages nineteen to thirty-two. She also has a great-grandson, 5yrs. of age. She now lives her life for the Lord Jesus and is so blessed to have such a wonderful family, who also serve the Lord!
11 Ebook di Patricia Johnson
Patricia Johnson: Prophetic Poetry
I went to a Salvation Army dinner with some of the staff of our church and came out knowing something had happened to me spiritually! The next morning, in my devotions, singing In My Life Lord Be Glo …
Patricia Johnson: Make Your Own Magic Soil
Make your own magic soil tells of a tale of two 6th graders, Adrien and Chantia, who, on their quest to learn about composting and making soil, use the trash collected after their lunch period. With …
Patricia Johnson: Zesta and Friendship
Zesta provides a look at possible responds to an action. It helps to guide and comfort all children in their every day choices in life. …
Patricia Johnson: Nagyszerű szex
A tantra a szerelem egy ösvénye – mégpedig egy radikális ösvénye. Radikális, azaz alapvető, a gyökerekig lehatoló. A nagyszerű szex gyökerét vagy alapját nem az jelenti, hogyan nézünk ki az ágyban, v …
Patricia Johnson: Zesta and the Apple Tree
Zesta, is a horse of many colors, who helps to guide and comfort all children in their decisions. It is the choices we make in life that teach us through our experiences. These choices can create ple …
Farah Deeba & Patricia Johnson: Machine Learning for Medical Image Reconstruction
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Machine Learning for Medical Reconstruction, MLMIR 2020, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2020, in Lima, Peru, in …
Nandinee Haq & Patricia Johnson: Machine Learning for Medical Image Reconstruction
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Medical Reconstruction, MLMIR 2021, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2021, in October 2021. The …
Patricia Johnson: Key West and Cuba 1955
KEY WEST and CUBA 1955 is a novel showing a young woman maturing from self-interest to the importance of family. Healing from a brief affair in San Francisco she starts on the journey to reestablish …
Patricia Johnson: From Devastation to Victory
This is my story about how God brought me through the devastating loss of my son to victory over my grief. God allowed me to see many miracles, signs, and wonders, to show me that I did not walk alon …
Nandinee Haq & Patricia Johnson: Machine Learning for Medical Image Reconstruction
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Medical Reconstruction, MLMIR 2022, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2022, in September 2022, h …