Untangles how data shapes and is shaped by queer worlds
Data, perilous and powerful, is both a worldmaking and a dismantling force. The collection of data about queer lives and bodies, the consequences of data analysis for queer subjects, and considerations of privacy and consent often present ethical dilemmas even as queer data expands our understanding of who and what counts. The need for queer analyses and perspectives has taken on a new sense of urgency in light of hostile antiqueer policies by major technology companies, the security theater of airports, the disproportionate rates of policing queer people and people of color, digital surveillance in border security, and the proliferation of digital health records.
Gathering wide-ranging interdisciplinary conversations into one rich volume, Queer Data Studies challenges readers to rethink how the extraction, circulation, modeling, governance, and use of data affects queer subjects and, at the same time, to consider how the power of data might be harnessed in the service of queer ethics. Contributors take a capacious approach to data, drawing from a range of sources, including stories, sounds, medical data, police data, maps, and algorithmic modeling. This anthology engages intersectional, decolonial, feminist, queer, and trans research, advancing ongoing dialogues about data across the social sciences, humanities, and applied sciences.
Tabella dei contenuti
Patrick Keilty
1 Black Data
Shaka Mc Glotten
2 ‘To Fight for an End to Intrusions into the Sex Lives of Americans’ | Gay and Lesbian Resistance to Sexual Surveillance and Data Gathering, 1945–1972
Nikita Shepard
3 Machine Learning and the Queer Technics of Opacity
Queer Data Studies
4 Objectionable Nipples | Puritan Data Politics and Sexual Agency in Social Media
Queer Data Studies
5 HIV Data as Queer Data | Biomedical Sexualities, Treatmentas-Prevention, and the New Sex Hierarchy for People Living with HIV
Stephen Molldrem
6 Generating Vulnerability | Male Sex Workers, Third-Party Platforms, and Data Security
Ryan Conrad
7 Not Enough Meaningful Data? Lessons from Eastern Europe
Lina Žigelytė
8 Reciprocating Sexy Information | Reflections on Studying the Data of Gay Sex in Beirut
Mathew Gagné
9 Homobiles | Queering Data through Ephemerality and Intimacy
Harris Kornstein
10 Situated Indications | Queer STS Experiments on Global Datafication
Suisui Wang
List of Contributors
Circa l’autore
Banu Subramaniam is professor of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at University of Massachusetts Amherst. She is the author of two award-winning books: Holy Science: The Biopolitics of Hindu Nationalism (Washington, 2019) and Ghost Stories for Darwin: The Science of Variation and the Politics of Diversity (Illinois, 2014).