Patrizia Trovalusci (Ph D, MSc), Full Professor of ‘Solids and Structural Mechanics’.
Author of about 140 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, books, conference proceedings and reports on: non-classical continua; multiscale modelling, masonry materials and structures; composites; plasticity theory, non-standard limit analysis; non-linear finite element analysis; structural architecture.
Member of several scientific committees (ICCM16; AIMETA15; ICSA2016-13; CSMA2013; THERMEC2011-09-06) and organizer of international symposia/sessions on: “Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling for Complex Materials” (8 editions, within international conferences: ICCM, WCCM, ECCOMAS, ECCM, THERMEC); “Mechanics of Interfaces and Evolving Microstructures” (1, EMMC); “History of Mechanics” (1, GAMM); “On the “Tectonics” in Architecture: between Aesthetics and Ethics” (4, ICSA). Organizer and lecturer of advanced courses:”Multiscale Modelling of Complex Materials”, CISM; “Masonry Constructions. Seismic Safety, Conservation”, Sapienza Doctoral School of Engineering and Architecture. Member of the Board of Directors of CISTe C and of the Academic Board of the Ph D Program in Structural Engineering.
Guest editor of international journal special issues (4); editor of Springer volumes (2). Member of the editorial boards of international journals: J. Civil Engn. Sci.; ISRN Mech. Engn. J. Reviewer for tens of international journals and books; for scientific evaluation committees (ERC Advanced Grants, other).
Coordinator of several funded research projects (University La Sapienza). Coordinator of PRIN2010-11 Sapienza Unit.
Coordinator of Bachelor Degree’s Courses: “Science of Architecture”; “Techniques of Architecture and Construction”; “Restoration and Conservation of Monuments”. Sapienza, School of Architecture.
Teacher of solid and structural mechanics, statics, behaviour of masonry materials in historical structures”; Coordinator of the ”Atelier of Ecological Islands and Recycling Centres”.
CV: Trovalusci.pdf
2 Ebook di Patrizia Trovalusci
Patrizia Trovalusci: Materials with Internal Structure
The book presents a series of concise papers by researchers specialized in various fields of continuum and computational mechanics and of material science. The focus is on principles and strategies f …
Tomasz Sadowski & Patrizia Trovalusci: Multiscale Modeling of Complex Materials
The papers in this volume deal with materials science, theoretical mechanics and experimental and computational techniques at multiple scales, providing a sound base and a framework for many applicat …