Autore: Paul C. C. Rosenblatt

Paul C. Rosenblatt has a doctorate in psychology from Northwestern University and is Professor Emeritus of Family Social Science at the University of Minnesota. He has taught in university departments in family social science, psychology, sociology, and anthropology. His multidisciplinary background enables him to offer a substantial range of examples and illustrations in the book. He has advised 36 students through to the Ph D and served on roughly 450 other doctoral committees. He has been a research consultant to university-based, government-based, medical-based, and industry-based research projects. Dr. Rosenblatt has mentored dozens of faculty members at his university and at universities around the world. He has fellow status in national professional organizations in psychology, anthropology, and the family field and has been and/or is on editorial boards of scholarly journals in psychology, sociology, anthropology, the family field, and the field of dying, death, and bereavement. He has published 13 books, including The Impact of Racism on African American Families: Literature as Social Science; Knowing and Not Knowing in Intimate Relationships (with E. Wielding); Shared Obliviousness in Family Systems; Two in a Bed: The Social System of Couple Bed Sharing; and African American Grief (with B. R. Wallace).

1 Ebook di Paul C. C. Rosenblatt

Paul C. Rosenblatt: Restarting Stalled Research
Written for researchers and graduate students writing dissertations, this unique book offers detailed advice and perspective on many issues that can stall a research project and reveals what can be d …