Autore: Peggy Rubin

Peggy Rubin is founding director of the Center for Sacred Theatre in Ashland, Oregon. Since 1987 she has also been the principal teaching associate of Jean Houston, Ph.D., in Dr. Houston’s worldwide multicultural transformational work and in her schools of spiritual studies, as well as a member of the core faculty of the School for Social Artistry, an intensive leadership training program. Working with Jean Houston, Peggy has presented classes, workshops and trainings throughout the world.

2 Ebook di Peggy Rubin

Peggy Rubin: To Be and How to Be
Life can be experienced as a great play sometimes a comedy, sometimes a tragedy, sometimes an epic, sometimes a satire, but always a play. We can think of ourselves as the main character in our own s …
Elizabeth Alberda: The Emerald Word
Reading Elizabeth Alberda’s poetry is a way to drink light and feel dazzled, as well as feel exquisitely nourished, having imbibed an elixir of words that make a feast for the soul. Some part of that …