Autore: Perumalla Janaki Ramulu

Dr. Sanjay Singh completed his Ph D in Aerospace Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 2008. He is currently a professor and director of Amity Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India. His research area includes Flight Vehicle System Identification & Parameter Estimation, Neural Networks, UAV/MAV, Flight and Wind Tunnel Testing, Flight Dynamics, and Control. He has authored several articles published in reputed journals and conferences. He is the member of review committee of many national and international journals of Aerospace field. He has supervised more than 50 UG and PG projects and dissertations. Currently, he is supervising four Ph D students. Dr. Sanjay Singh is currently involved in the design and development of Autonomous high endurance fixed wing UAV. Dr P. Janaki Ramulu is the Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and acting as Director of Center for Advanced Manufacturing Engineering at Adama Science and Technology University, Adama. His research interest primarily includes advanced metal joining techniques, sheet metal forming, tailor welded blanks, modeling simulation of metal forming process, material characterization, welding technologies, different metal forming processes analysis. He specialized in experimental and modeling simulation of sheet metal with different formability tests. He has published more than 180 papers in international journal, book chapters and conferences. He has guided 36 UG and 30 PG projects, 2 Ph D and guiding 8 Ph D. Teaching methods has been enhanced by providing and recording the video lectures in the recent years.  Dr. Sachin Singh Gautam is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. His research interest is in computational mechanics specifically isogeometric analysis, contact problems, GPU computing. Recently, he has started to explore machine learning applications in finite elements especially contact problems. He has published 1 book, 35 journal papers, 5 are in various stages of review, 20 books chapters, and made more than 70 conference presentations. Currently he is co-authoring a textbook on finite elements with Prof P. M. Dixit (ex-Prof. IIT Kanpur). He has supervised 5 Ph Ds, 22 master students and many bachelor students. Currently he is supervising 5 Ph D students and 3 master students. Dr. Gautam is currently involved in development of contact and isogeometric modules for FEAST® software being developed by VSSC, ISRO.

2 Ebook di Perumalla Janaki Ramulu

A. Lavanya & Perumalla Janaki Ramulu: Design and Fabrication of Equal Channel Angular Extrusion Process Analysis for Non-Ferrous Materials
"Equal Channel Angular Extrusion" (ECAE) is a significant method in industrial forming applications, which is the most important method for the production of ultrafine grained bulk samples, …
Sanjay Singh & Perumalla Janaki Ramulu: Recent Advances in Aerospace Engineering
The book presents the select proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Aerospace Engineering (MRAE 2023). It covers the latest research in the field of aerospace engineering a …