Whilst there are a number of books on the main forms of building
contract, very few deal with subcontracting. This book examines the
new JCT Standard Building Sub-contracts for use with the radically
revised 2005 JCT Standard Building Contract.
It looks at the key contract conditions, considers the rights
and obligations of the parties and how risk is allocated, and
discusses the main practical problems that arise.
Circa l’autore
Peter Barnes MSc (Construction Law and Arbitration), FCIOB,
FCIArb, MRICS, MICE, is a Chartered Arbitrator, a registered
Adjudicator and an accredited Mediator.
He has been actively involved in the construction industry for
over 30 years and has a wide experience of many types of
construction work. He spent many years working for main
contractors, undertaking both surveying and management roles, and
during that time he administered and settled a multitude of
sub-contract accounts on a variety of different contracts.
Since becoming a consultant, he has represented many parties in
both adjudications and arbitrations, and has been appointed as
adjudicator by both the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the
Construction Industry Council.
He is co-author of the book titled, ‘Subcontracting Under
the JCT 2005 Forms’.