Autore: Peter Grootenboer

Peter Grootenboer was a school teacher and leader for 12 years before moving into the tertiary sector. He received the national Jim Campbell Award for teaching excellence. He is now a Professor of Education at Griffith University and the Deputy Director of the Griffith Institute for Educational Research. His research interests include mathematics education, educational leadership, practice/praxis theory, and action research.

10 Ebook di Peter Grootenboer

Leonie Rowan & Peter Grootenboer: Student Engagement and Educational Rapport in Higher Education
This book outlines a range of innovative methods to gather student feedback, and explores the complex relation between student engagement, student satisfaction, and student success. Drawing on result …
Peter Grootenboer & Christine Edwards-Groves: Practice Theory Perspectives on Pedagogy and Education
This book examines the way in which the “practice turn” in education and pedagogy offers unique perspectives on the nature of educational work. Through a plurality of “practice theories” deeper under …
Peter Grootenboer: The Practices of School Middle Leadership
This book uses practice theory to examine the role of ‘middle-leadership’. In particular, it investigates the practices of ‘leading in the middle’ in the cultural-discursive, material-economic, and s …
Christine Edwards-Groves & Peter Grootenboer: Education in an Era of Schooling
This book is a Festschrift for Emeritus Professor Stephen Kemmis, who has a long and eminent career as an educational researcher and academic spanning over 40 years. His work in curriculum, evaluatio …
Peter Grootenboer & Margaret Marshman: Mathematics, Affect and Learning
This book examines the beliefs, attitudes, values and emotions of students in Years 5 to 8 (aged 10 to 14 years) about mathematics and mathematics education. Fundamentally, this book focuses on the d …
Robyn Jorgensen & Peter Sullivan: Pedagogies to Enhance Learning for Indigenous Students
​ This book describes research undertaken by leading Australian researcher in Indigenous communities. While the chapters are Australian in their focus, the issues that are discussed are similar to th …
Stephen Kemmis & Jane Wilkinson: Changing Practices, Changing Education
This book aims to help teachers and those who support them to re-imagine the work of teaching, learning and leading. In particular, it shows how transformations of educational practice depend on comp …
Christine Edwards-Groves & Peter Grootenboer: Middle Leadership in Schools
Middle leading refers to those teachers that both teach and have leadership roles, and thus can bridge the gap between the practices of learning and the managemant of schooling. Focusing on the pract …
Christine Edwards-Groves & Peter Grootenboer: Middle Leadership in Schools
Middle leading refers to those teachers that both teach and have leadership roles, and thus can bridge the gap between the practices of learning and the managemant of schooling. Focusing on the pract …
Peter Grootenboer & Christine Edwards-Groves: The Theory of Practice Architectures
This book provides an overview of the Theory of Practice Architectures (TPA), and the associated Theory of Ecology of Practices, in a manner accessible for a broader audience. The authors are part of …