DR. HANS WEHRLI, war selbstständiger Unternehmer und Stadtrat von Zürich.
BERNHARD SUTTER ist Journalist. Er arbeitete bei Radio und Fernsehen sowie beim Zürcher Tages-Anzeiger.
Peter Kaufmann ist Journalist. Er arbeitete für Radio und Fernsehen, heute beim neuen viersprachigen TV-Sender HD Suisse.
6 Ebook di Peter Kaufmann
Kurt Benirschke & Peter Kaufmann: Pathology of the Human Placenta, 5th Edition
Most obstetricians and pediatricians would agree that the examination of the placenta often helps to explain an abnormal neona tal outcome. As early as in 1892, Ballantyne wrote, A diseased foetus wi …
Bernd Huppertz: Psychotherapy in the Wake of War
Psychotherapy in the Wake of War presents the ways in which differing views of various psychoanalytic schools and traditionsspanning developments for more than one hundred yearsmay affect theoretical …
Kurt Benirschke & Peter Kaufmann: Pathology of the Human Placenta
This is a completely new, second edition of the classic reference which has been out of print since 1984. It is the most comprehensive work available on placental pathology, which has recently gained …
Kurt Benirschke & Peter Kaufmann: Pathology of the Human Placenta
Completey reorganized – a practical, how-to guide to placental examination plus the most authoritative reference available on all aspects of the normal and abnormal placenta. New chapters have been a …
Peter Kaufmann & Manuel Trachsel: Sterbefasten
More and more people, particularly the very elderly, are becoming interested in what is known as fasting to death – a method of ending their own lives in a self-determined way. What does this mean fo …
Peter Kaufmann & Manuel Trachsel: Sterbefasten
More and more people, particularly the very elderly, are becoming interested in what is known as fasting to death – a method of ending their own lives in a self-determined way. What does this mean fo …