Colette B. Hohnbaum, Ph D, NCSP, is a licensed school psychologist who currently teaches at the University of Colorado, Denver Campus (UCD). She retired after 35 years as a practicing school psychologist covering preschool through graduation primarily in Colorado”s Douglas County School District (DCSD). She served as the Mental Health Coordinator in DCSD from 1991–1997 and from 2012–2017.
3 Ebook di PhD Peter Thompson
PhD Peter Thompson: School Psychology Licensure Exam Guide, Second Edition
i This guide is direct and practical. You will find out exactly where you are weakest in knowledge so that your studying can be most directed. I exceeded the NASP passing score AND the national avera …
PhD Peter Thompson: School Psychologist’s Guide for the Praxis Exam, Third Edition
Print version of the book includes free access to the app (web, i OS, and Android), which offers interactive Q&A review plus the entire text of the print book! Please note the app is included with pr …
Peter Thompson & Colette B. Hohnbaum: The School Psychologist’s Guide for the Praxis® Exam
Holds a proven track record for exam success—the only study guide you need! Written by school psychologists for school psychologists, this widely used resource has already helped thousands pass the l …