This book takes the idea of distributing leadership in schools to a new level of understanding and practice. The authors address the complexities of leadership by putting forward two essential propositions. The first is the need to understand leadership as the outcome both of people’s intentions and the complex flow of interactions in the daily life of schools. The second is the need to integrate values of social justice and democracy into our understanding of leadership. Building on this insight, the authors show how leadership can be truly collaborative. The book also combines practice, theory and research and draws on the authors’ international experience.
This book is an invaluable resource for reflection and change for everyone who contributes to and studies leadership – senior leaders, teachers, support staff, students and researchers.
Tabella dei contenuti
Benefits of Leadership Distribution
Critiques and Challenges
Intentionality and Emergence
Philosophy of Co-development
Leadership as a Reciprocal Learning Relationship
A Learning Model of Leadership Development
Developing Collaborative Leadership: Enabling Structures and Creative Spaces
Developing Collaborative Leadership: Change from across the Leadership Landscape
Developing Collaborative Leadership: Identity Change
Catalysts for Change