Tabella dei contenuti
Conformal Field Theories for Strings and Branes.- The Dilogarithm Function.- Conformal Field Theory and Torsion Elements of the Bloch Group.- Tracks, Lie’s, and Exceptional Magic.- Gauge Theories from D Branes.- On Superconformal Field Theories Associated to Very Attractive Quartics.- Discrete Groups and Automorphic Forms.- An Introduction to Arithmetic Groups.- Automorphic Forms: A Physicist’s Survey.- Strings and Arithmetic.- Modular Curves, C*-algebras, and Chaotic Cosmology.- Replicable Functions: An Introduction.- Lectures on the Langlands Program and Conformal Field Theory.- Hopf Algebras and Renormalization.- A Primer of Hopf Algebras.- Renormalization, the Riemann–Hilbert Correspondence, and Motivic Galois Theory.- Factorization in Quantum Field Theory: An Exercise in Hopf Algebras and Local Singularities.- Algebraic Algorithms in Perturbative Calculations.- Multiple Logarithms, Algebraic Cycles and Trees.