Autore: Pierre Tchounikine

Pierre Tchounikine, Ph D, is Full Professor of Computer Science at the University of Grenoble (France). He is presently leader of Grenoble’s multidisciplinary research team (40 persons) edicated to Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). He has been involved in the construction and leadership of the European Network for Excellence Kaleidoscope (over 1.000 researchers from different disciplines involved in TEL) and is now leading Grenoble’s participation to the Stellar European network. He serves in the International Society for the Learning Sciences educational committee (since 2008) and has been member of the Artificial Intelligence and Education executive committee (2003-2011). As a Computer Science re-searcher involved for 20 years in the TEL field, reviewer of many articles and projects, supervisor and reviewer of many Ph D theses, he has developed a specific interest in analyzing and conceptualizing the relations and issues related to the Computer Science dimensions of TEL seen as a multidisciplinary field.

2 Ebook di Pierre Tchounikine

Julia Eberle & Kristine Lund: Grand Challenge Problems in Technology-Enhanced Learning II: MOOCs and Beyond
This book reports on the proceedings at the STELLAR Alpine Rendez-Vous 2013, presenting strategies in handling challenges that arise when using technology-enhanced learning (TEL). With insightful con …
Pierre Tchounikine: Computer Science and Educational Software Design
Developing educational software requires thinking, problematizing, representing, modeling, implementing and analyzing pedagogical objectives and issues, as well as conceptual models and software arch …