Autore: Pietro Ferrara

Vincenzo Arceri is a no-tenure track assistant professor at the Department of Mathematical,  Physical, and Computer Sciences, University of Parma, and his research focuses on static software analysis and verification, having 7 years of experience in this research field, in which he published on international conferences and journals related to software analysis, formal methods for software security, programming languages, and software engineering (including ACM TOPS, Information and Computation, VMCAI, ACM SIGAPP SAC). His main research interests include static program analysis,  string analysis and verification (in particular for dynamic languages), abstract interpretation and, more in general, formal methods for program security. Agostino Cortesi is a full professor at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He has over 25 years of experience in the area of software verification, having published over 150 articles in high-level international journals and international conference proceedings. He has been a member of numerous program committees for international conferences (e.g., SAS, VMCAI) and editorial committees of scientific journals (Computer Languages, Journal of Universal Computer Science). He is currently the head of the Ph.D. program in Computer Science at Ca’ Foscari. His main research interests concern programming language theory and static analysis techniques, with particular focus to security applications. He is the coordinator of the EU Horizon2020 “Families_Share” project and has held the position of head of unit of the H2020 project EQUAL-IST and of the COST project “Eutypes”. He also directs the project MAE Italy-India 2017-19 “Formal Specification for Secured Software System” and the FIRST Covid-19 F2F project. Prof. Pietro Ferrara is an assistant professor at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He is an expert on static analysis based on abstract interpretation with a focus on the detection of security vulnerabilities in object-oriented programs. He joined the University of Venice in November 2019 as a tenure track assistant professor. Previously, from 2013 to 2019, he worked in industry gaining experience in delivering prototypes and commercial tools to customers filling the gap between scientific research and development and delivery of software products, as well as technical and commercial presentation to customers, evaluation activities, and preparation of commercial and technical documentation. Martina Olliaro is a postdoc researcher at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy) and Masaryk University of Brno (Czech Republic), under the supervision of both Professors Agostino Cortesi and Vashek Matyas. Her main research interest concerns string static analysis by means of abstract interpretation theory, with a focus to the string-related security issues. She is also interested in watermarking relational databases techniques and in the study of their semantics preservation.

1 Ebook di Pietro Ferrara

Vincenzo Arceri & Agostino Cortesi: Challenges of Software Verification
This book provides an overview about the open challenges in software verification. Software verification is a branch of software engineering aiming at guaranteeing that software applications satisfy …