Illuminating the troublesome and disturbing aspects of workplace diversity that tend to be glossed over in most management literature, Managing the Organizational Melting Pot covers key issues such key as: individual and institutional resistance, the effectiveness of diversity change efforts, and the less visible ways in which exclusion and discrimination continue to be practiced in the workplace. To assist the reader in understanding some of these dilemmas, the contributors to this collection adopt an array of theoretical frameworks, that are all striking departures from traditional and more functional perspectives on diversity. The volume also employs a variety of theoretical perspectives, including intergroup relations theory, critical theory, Jungian psychology, feminism, post-colonial theory, cultural history, postmodernism, realism, institutional theory, and class analysis. Further, the authors examine a multitude of organizational situations in which the complications of diversity surface-many of which cross race, gender, ethnic and other socially constructed boundaries. Managing the Organizational Melting Pot draws examples not only from the United States , but also looks at situations from Canada, Britain, and the Middle East. Students, scholars, and managers who want to prepare themselves to deal with the challenges presented by a multicultural workforce will find this beneficial reading. In addition, researchers interested in conducting research in diversity management will find this an up-to-date, thought-provoking resource.
Tabella dei contenuti
From Showcase to Shadow – Pushkala Prasad and Albert J Mills
Understanding the Dilemmas of Managing Workplace Diversity
(In)corporating the Other? Managing the Politics of Workplace Difference – J Michael Cavanagh
The Sexually Specific Subject and the Dilemma of Difference – Collette Oseen
Re-Thinking the Difference in the Construction of the Non-Hierarchical Workplace
The Unbearable Whiteness of Being – Roy Jacques
Reflections of a Pale, Stale, Male
Class Discipline – Richard Marsden
IR/HR and the Normalization of the Workforce
The Protestant Ethic and Myths of the Frontier – Pushkala Prasad
Cultural Imprints, Organizational Structuring and Workplace Diversity
Dreams of Diversity and the Realities of Intergroup Relations in Organizations – Michael B Elmes and Debra L Connelley
Dueling Discourses – Albert J Mills
Desexualization versus Eroticism in the Corporate Framing of Female Sexuality in the British Airline Industry, 1945-60
Women in the Academy – Pat Bradshaw and David Wicks
Cycles of Resistance and Compliance
`We Have To Make a Management Decision′ – Mark Maier
Challenger and the Dysfunctions of Corporate Masculinity
When Organizations Do Harm – Paula Caproni and Joycelyn Finley
Two Cautionary Tales
The Colonizing Consciousness and Representations of the Other – Anshuman Prasad
A Postcolonial Critique of the Discourse of Oil
Triple Jeopardy – E Joy Mighty
Immigrant Women of Color in the Labor Force
How International Is International Management? Provincialism, Parochialism, and the Problematic of Global Diversity – Diana J Wong-Ming Ji and Ali Husain Mir
Issues in the Management of Diversity – Anshu Prasad and Michael B Elmes