Mag. Tanja Trausmuth has studied Celtic Studies and related subjects at the institute of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology at the University of Vienna, focusing on archaeological and geophysical prospection and remote sensing. During her studies she actively participated between the years 2008 and 2017 in archaeological excavations in Austria and worked as supervisor on several archaeological excavation campaigns of the “Early Celtic Societies in North Wales” project of Bangor University in North Wales (UK).
2 Ebook di Raimund Karl
Tanja Trausmuth & Mario Wallner: Turf Wall Architecture and Turf Furniture Assembly Guide
Bei archäologischen Ausgrabungen muss oft der fruchtbare Oberboden separat gelagert werden, um ihn nach Abschluss der Grabungsarbeiten wieder zuoberst auf die wiederverfüllten Grabungsschnitte aufzub …
Raimund Karl & Jutta Leskovar: Archaeological Sites as Space for Modern Spiritual Practice
Archaeological heritage can be disputed, especially where it is important to religions and their practitioners. While the destruction of archaeological sites in war – often due to religious fervour – …