This book presents the recent research adoption of a variety of enabling wireless communication technologies like RFID tags, BLE, Zig Bee, etc., and embedded sensor and actuator nodes, and various protocols like Co AP, MQTT, DNS, etc., that has made Internet of things (Io T) to step out of its infancy to become smart things. Now, smart sensors can collaborate directly with the machine without human involvement to automate decision making or to control a task. Smart technologies including green electronics, green radios, fuzzy neural approaches, and intelligent signal processing techniques play important roles in the developments of the wearable healthcare systems. In the proceedings of 5th International Conference on Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIo TCT), 2020, brought out research works on the advances in the Internet of things (Io T) and connected technologies (various protocols, standards, etc.). This conference aimed at providing a forum to discuss the recent advancesin enabling technologies and applications for Io T.
Tabella dei contenuti
Air Quality Monitoring and Disease Prediction using Io T and Machine Learning.- A Review and Case Study on Attacking & Security Tools at Application-Layer of Io T.- Delay Analysis for P2P Systems using LPWAN.- An Intelligent Recommendation System based on Collaborative Filtering and Grid Structure.- Fuzzy edge image steganography using hybrid LSB Method.- Hybrid cloud: The next generation of EAI.- Path Planning algorithms for different Scenarios.