Fullness of Time is a gentle companion through the seasons of the year and the seasons of life. The meditations are drawn from all 66 books of the Bible. They are based on devotionals the author shared with various gatherings at Tabor Village, a residence for older adults in Abbotsford BC during the years of his chaplaincy 2017-2021. They provide a good resource for chaplains, teachers, and others who may need to lead a devotion on short notice. The photographs and artwork are provided by tenants, friends, and family. As a coffee-table book, it can be a source of aesthetic interest and inspiration. Journey through time, through the seasons of nature, life, and the church year. Enjoy the pictures, aphorisms (brief thoughts), poems, and anecdotes (brief stories).
Tabella dei contenuti
Advent – Christmas – Epiphany
December: Acts
January: Amos, Beatitudes
February: Colossians, 1 & 2 Chronicles, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Daniel, Deuteronomy
Lent – Holy Week – Easter – Pentecost
March: Ephesians, Esther, Ecclesiastes, Exodus, Ezekiel, Ezra
April: Galatians, Genesis, Habakkuk, Haggai, Hebrews, Hosea, Isaiah
May: James, Jeremiah, Job, Joel, John, 1, 2, 3 John
Ordinary Time
June: Jonah, Joshua, Jude, Judges, 1 & 2 Kings, Lamentations, Leviticus, Luke
July: Malachi, Mark, Matthew, Micah
August: Nahum, Nehemiah, Numbers, Obadiah, 1 & 2 Peter
Ordinary Time – All Saints – Reign of Christ
September: Philemon, Philippians, Proverbs, Psalms
October: Revelation, Romans, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, Song of Songs
November: 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Zechariah, Zephaniah
Circa l’autore
Ray Harris is a follower of Jesus, a husband, father, and Papa to eight grandchildren. Ray loves providing spiritual care for older adults, singing with them, reading God’s word together, and coming alongside those in their journey with Jesus who need encouragement and prayer. He is a pastor, teacher, musician, a reader and writer. He lives in Abbotsford BC and enjoys walking along Horn Creek Trail. He holds graduate degrees in music and Christian studies.