Captain Alexander and the crew of the Evangeline continue their Commonwealth mission to make allies of the non-space-faring planets in the galaxy. Drea III is a technologically advanced world shrouded by a dark and bloody history with the Commonwealth.
Drean officials politely agree to hear the crew’s proposal of an alliance with the Commonwealth. A series of heinous discoveries land the crew in jail, charged with several capital crimes. Captain Alexander finds himself torn between his Commonwealth mandates and protecting an entire planet from annihilation.
David throws himself on the mercy of the courts, defending his crew to his last breath. More unexpected revelations cause the Captain and crew to question everything they’ve been taught.
Discover the 50-year cover-up!
Circa l’autore
Ron Broach is an editor, voice actor, and graphic artist who loves combining his skills to help authors realize their goal of having the coveted trifecta of print books, ebooks, and audiobooks.