Autore: Regina Miranda

Regina Miranda, Ph.D.,  is a Professor of Psychology at Hunter College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York, and Director and founding member of the Youth Suicide Research Consortium. She received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from New York University and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Columbia University Medical Center under the mentorship of Dr. David Shaffer, where she specialized in the study of youth suicide ideation. Dr. Miranda’s research focuses on understanding why young people think about and attempt suicide, characteristics of adolescent suicide ideation that may inform risk of future suicide attempts, the interplay between culture and cognition in conferring and/or protecting against suicide risk, and how to modify the cognitions that give rise to suicidal thoughts and behavior. She has received grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. She has published morethan 70 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters focused on youth suicidal behavior.   Elizabeth L. Jeglic, Ph.D.,  is a Professor of Psychology at John Jay College in New York and a founding member of the Youth Suicide Research Consortium. She received her doctorate in clinical psychology from Binghamton University and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania under the mentorship of Dr. Aaron T. Beck where she specialized in the assessment and treatment of suicidal behavior. Dr. Jeglic’s research interests are primarily focused on issues broadly related to forensic populations and suicide risk assessment. She has received grants from the National Institute of Justice and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to fund her research. Dr. Jeglic has published more than 125 peer reviewed articles and book chapters focused on suicidal behavior, culture, and individuals involved in the criminal justice system. She is the co-editor of Sexual Abuse Evidence Based Policy and Prevention (Springer, 2016) and New Frontiers in Offender Treatment (Springer, 2018), and co-author of Protecting your Child from Sexual Abuse (Skyhorse, 2018).

4 Ebook di Regina Miranda

Regina Miranda & Elizabeth L. Jeglic: Handbook of Youth Suicide Prevention
This handbook examines research on youth suicide, analyzes recent data on suicide among adolescents, and addresses the subject matter as a serious public health concern. The book explores the researc …
Regina Miranda: Honorina
Na trilha do ouro, na antiga Ouro Preto, braços negros perfuravam minas. Não se contam quantos, não se sabe quem eram. Felizmente a oralidade cuidou de trazer até nós detalhes da vida dura e da luta …
Regina Miranda: Banzo – o pássaro mágico
Banzo era um pássaro livre. Voava noutras terras, perto do mar, cantava muito feliz. Um dia, Banzo foi aprisionado, e sua casa passou a ser uma linda gaiola dourada. A partir daí, vivia em outra terr …
Elza Sallut: O rio dos gigantes de cabeça branca
Valendo-se de uma linguagem delicada e poética, o narrador conta a história do surgimento de um rio, pequeno ainda, que sonhava desaguar no Pacífico. As estrelas e os gigantes de cabeça branca sabiam …