Riccardo Manzini is Associate Professor of Logistics for the Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering at University of Bologna, Italy. Professor of Reliability & Maintenance at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. His academic research deals with planning, design, optimization and control of production systems (both industrial and service systems) with particular reference to logistics systems, storage systems, supply chain and distribution networks, reliability modelling and maintenance system management. Author of many scientific and technical papers and contributions on logistics, maintenance and reliability engineering, production systems design and optimization. He is the first author of the book: Manzini R., Regattieri A., Pham H., Ferrari E. (2010) Maintenance for Industrial Systems. London: Springer London Ltd., 978-1-84882-574-1.He is the originator and chairman of the International Workshop on Food Supply Chain (www.foodsupplychain.diem.unibo.it). He has carried out several research projects in co-operation with – and funded by – private and public companies on logistics, industrial plants and maintenance problems. He is a referee of several international ISI journals for Springer, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, etc.
5 Ebook di Riccardo Manzini
Riccardo Manzini: Warehousing in the Global Supply Chain
With increased globalization and offshore sourcing, global supply chain management is becoming an important issue for many businesses as it involves a company’s worldwide interests and suppliers rath …
Riccardo Manzini & Alberto Regattieri: Maintenance for Industrial Systems
New, global and extended markets are forcing companies to process and manage increasingly differentiated products with shorter life cycles, low volumes and reduced customer delivery times. In today’s …
Riccardo Accorsi & Riccardo Manzini: Sustainable Food Supply Chains
Sustainable Food Supply Chains: Planning, Design, and Control through Interdisciplinary Methodologies provides integrated and practicable solutions that aid planners and entrepreneurs in the design a …
Riccardo Manzini & Alberto Regattieri: Manutenzione dei sistemi di produzione
I moderni sistemi di produzione sia di tipo industriale sia erogatori di servizi (banche, ospedali, università) devono affrontare una sfida che li vede alla continua ricerca della produttivit& …
Riccardo Manzini & Riccardo Accorsi: Warehousing and Material Handling Systems for the Digital Industry
This book illustrates innovative support-decision models, methods, and advanced automation and robotic technologies aimed at enhancing the overall performance of Warehousing and Material Handling (WM …