Richa Singh received her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science in 2005 and 2008, respectively from the West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA. She is currently an Associate Professor and recipient of the Kusum and Mohandas Pai Faculty Research Fellowship at the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Delhi, India. Her research has been funded by the UIDAI and DEITY, Government of India. She is a recipient of the FAST award by DST, India. Her areas of interest are biometrics, pattern recognition, and machine learning. She has more than 150 publications in refereed journals, book chapters, and conferences. She is an editorial board member of the Journal of Information Fusion and EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing. She is the PC Co-Chair of International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems, 2016. Dr. Singh is a member of the IEEE, Computer Society and the Association for Computing Machinery. She is a recipient of several best paper and best poster awards in international conferences.
Mayank Vatsa received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science in 2005 and 2008, respectively from the West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA. He is currently an Associate Professor and AR Krishnaswamy Faculty Research Fellow at the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Delhi, India. He has more than 150 publications in refereed journals, book chapters, and conferences. His research has been
funded by the UIDAI and DEITY, Government of India. He is a recipient of the FAST award by DST, India. His areas of interest are biometrics, image processing, computer vision, and information fusion. Dr. Vatsa is a member of the IEEE, Computer Society and the Association for Computing Machinery. He is the recipient of several best paper and best poster awards in international conferences. He is also an associate editor of IEEE Access, area editor of Information Fusion, and IEEE Biometric Compendium, and served as the PC Co-Chair of ICB 2013 and IJCB 2014.
Angshul Majumdar is currently an assistant professor at Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi. He is working at this institute since October 2012. He did his Master”s and Ph D in electrical engineering from the University of British Columbia in 2009 and 2012 respectively. His Ph D thesis was on accelerating Magnetic Resonance Imaging scans using sparse recovery techniques. His current research interests are in algorithms for sparse signal recovery a.k.a Compressed Sensing and low-rank matrix recovery. He applies these techniques for problems arising in biomedical signal and image acquisition. Angshul has written more than 60 papers in reputed journals on these topics. Currently Angshul is the president of the IEEE Signal Processing Society chapter under the IEEE Delhi section.
Ajay Kumar received the Ph D degree from the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong in 2001. He was an assistant
professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi, Delhi, India from 2005 to 2007. He has been an assistant professor with the Department of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, since 2009. His current research interests are on biometrics with an emphasis on hand biometrics, vascular biometrics, iris, and multimodal biometrics. He holds three US patents, and has authored on biometrics and computer vision-based industrial inspection. He is currently an Area Editor for the Journal of Pattern Recognition Journal and serves on the IEEE Biometrics Council as the Vice President (Publications). He was on the Editorial Board of the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security from 2010 to 2013, and served on the program committees of several international conferences and workshops in the field of his research interest. He was the program chair of the Third International Conference on Ethics and Policy of Biometrics and International Data Sharing in 2010, the program co-chair of the International Joint Conference held in Washington, DC, USA, in 2011, the International Conference on Biometrics held in Madrid, in 2013, CVPR 2013 Biometrics Workshop held in Portland, CVPR 2014 Biometrics Workshop held in Columbus, CVPR 2015 Workshop held in Boston, and has also served as the General Co-Chair of the Second International Joint Conference on Biometrics held in Tampa, in 2014 and First International Conference Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis held in Hong Kong in 2015.
13 Ebook di Richa Singh
Richa Singh & Mayank Vatsa: Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing
This book comprises chapters on key problems in machine learning and signal processing arenas. The contents of the book are a result of a 2014 Workshop on Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing h …
Richa Singh: Biotechnological Applications in Environment and Agriculture
Biotechnology can be broadly defined as "using organisms or their products for commercial purposes." As such, (traditional) biotechnology has been practices since he beginning of records hi …
Richa Singh: Irrigation Principles And Practices
There are few issues that have greater impact on the life of mankind and the planet as a whole than the management of our most important natural resources water. This has only been realised in detail …
Angshul Majumdar & Richa (IIIT Delhi, India) Singh: Deep Learning in Biometrics
Deep Learning is now synonymous with applied machine learning. Many technology giants (e.g. Google, Microsoft, Apple, IBM) as well as start-ups are focusing on deep learning-based techniques for data …
Angshul Majumdar & Richa (IIIT Delhi, India) Singh: Deep Learning in Biometrics
Deep Learning is now synonymous with applied machine learning. Many technology giants (e.g. Google, Microsoft, Apple, IBM) as well as start-ups are focusing on deep learning-based techniques for data …
Richa Singh & Mayank Vatsa: Domain Adaptation for Visual Understanding
This unique volume reviews the latest advances in domain adaptation in the training of machine learning algorithms for visual understanding, offering valuable insights from an international selection …
Richa Singh: Agricultural Policy and Crop Management
Agriculture remains the largest single contributor to the livelihoods of the 75% of the world’s poor who live in rural areas. Encouraging agricultural growth is therefore an important aspect of agric …
Richa Singh: Photo Morphogenesis And Photo Synthesis In Plant
The definition of photomorphogenesis, is any change in form or function of an organism occurring in response to changes in the light environment. Photomorphogenesis is often defined as light-regulate …
Richa Singh: Encyclopaedia of Fruit Physiology And Production
During the past 50 years, uses of controlled atmospheres (CA) and modified atmospheres (MA)to supplement temperature and relative humidity management have increased steadily and have contributed sign …
Anil Maheshwari & Richa Singh: Syncretic Islam : Life and Times of Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi
Colleen Hammelman & Charles Z. Levkoe: Radical Food Geographies
This collection presents critical and action-oriented approaches to addressing food systems inequities across places, spaces, and scales. With case studies from around the globe, Radical Food Geograp …
Colleen Hammelman & Charles Z. Levkoe: Radical Food Geographies
This collection presents critical and action-oriented approaches to addressing food systems inequities across places, spaces, and scales. With case studies from around the globe, Radical Food Geograp …
Mui-Choo Jong & Sanjeeb Mohapatra: Solid Waste Management for Resource-Efficient Systems
Circularity in Action: Solid Waste Management for Resource-Efficient Systems promotes innovation and shares best practices based on the principles of circular economy and resource conservation on dif …