A Light in a Burning-Glass introduces readers to the distinctive synthesis of theological reflection and everyday faith that characterizes the life and theology of Austin Farrer (1904-1968), a man widely considered to be the most important Anglican theologian of the twentieth century. Often quoted for isolated insights but rarely appreciated for his depth and coherency, Farrer is a theologian who, according to Robert Boak Slocum, is fascinating to consider but difficult to master. In this survey and explanation of the Anglican leader’s prodigious output and complexity of thought, Slocum sorts through Farrer’s many writings to articulate his theological vision.
Slocum delves into Farrer’s treatises, essays, lectures, correspondence, and reviews in an exploration of his three primary areas of theological concern: pastoral, biblical, and philosophical. Noting that few theologians have published so many significant works in such varied areas of theological study, Slocum maps the connectedness of thought that unites Farrer’s works.
Slocum moves from a basic study of Farrer’s background and methodology to a consideration of his major themes: Christian hope, the problem of evil, the role of image and imagination in Christian faith, the use of literary methods in the interpretation of theology, and the interplay of divine action and human freedom in the Christian life.
Circa l’autore
Robert Boak Slocum is the author, editor, or co-editor of fourteen books, including Fearful Times; Living Faith (ed. with Martyn Percy); The Anglican Imagination; Light in a Burning-Glass: A Systematic Presentation of Austin Farrer’s Theology; Seeing & Believing: Reflections for Faith; A Heart for the Future: Writings on the Christian Hope (ed.); and The Theology of William Porcher Du Bose: Life, Movement, and Being. He taught theology courses at Marquette University on Christ and culture, explorations in Christian theology, and quests for God. He later served at St. Catharine College in Kentucky as Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences and taught courses in religious studies and applied ethics. He was the President of the Society of Anglican and Lutheran Theologians, and Co-Convenor of the Society for the Study of Anglicanism. He served on the board of the Anglican Theological Review. He was the clergy in charge of congregations in the dioceses of Louisiana, Milwaukee, and Lexington. He was ecumenical officer of the Diocese of Lexington. He currently serves as the Narrative Medicine Program Coordinator at University of Kentucky Health Care, where he teaches an elective rotation for senior medical students on the narrative basis for patient care and resilient practice. He serves on the Hospital Ethics Committee. He lives in Danville, Kentucky, with his wife, Victoria. He has three grown children, Claire, Rebecca, and Jacob.