Offering comprehensive coverage with an applied, practical perspective,
Community Corrections, Second Edition covers all the major topics in the field while emphasizing reintegration and community partnerships and focusing strongly on assessment, risk prediction, and classification. Author Robert D. Hanser draws on his expertise with offender treatment planning, special needs populations, and the comparative criminal justice fields to present a complete assessment of the issues and challenges facing community corrections today. Insights into how the day-to-day practitioner conducts business in community corrections are illustrated by such things as the increasing role technology plays in the field.
Tabella dei contenuti
Chapter 1. Definitions, History, and Development of Community Corrections
Chapter 2. Community Corrections: Public Safety is Job One
Chapter 3. Assessment and Risk Prediction
Chapter 4. The Role of the Practitioner
Chapter 5. Legal Liabilities and Risk Management
Chapter 6. Specific Aspects Related to Probation
Chapter 7. Specific Aspects Related to Parole
Chapter 8. Needs-Based Case Management and Case Planning
Chapter 9. The Viability of Treatment Perspectives
Chapter 10. Community-Based Residential Treatment Facilities
Chapter 11. Intermediate Sanctions
Chapter 12. Restorative Justice
Chapter 13. Juvenile Offenders
Chapter 14. Specialized and Problematic Offender Typologies
Chapter 15. Diversity Issues and Cultural Competence in a Changing Era
Chapter 16. Program Evaluation, Evidence Based Practices, and Future Trends in Community Corrections
Circa l’autore
Robert D. Hanser is a professor of criminal justice and the coordinator of the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Dr. Hanser has a Ph D in marriage and family therapy and a Ph D in criminal justice. He also has graduate degrees in psychology (psychometrics emphasis), counseling, social work, and substance abuse administration. He is a national certified counselor, a licensed professional counselor in the states of Louisiana and Texas, a licensed addiction counselor, a certified hypnotherapist, and a certified anger management therapist. Dr. Hanser worked as a correctional officer at Eastham State Prison, in Texas, for several years. He has gained extensive practitioner experience in treatment programming in Louisiana at Richwood Correctional Center (RCC), Madison Parish Correctional Center (MPCC) and the Louisiana Transitional Center for Women (LTCW). He has expertise in therapeutic programming, mental health response, education within correctional facilities, substance use disorder treatment, and reentry. He holds a gubernatorial appointment on the Reentry Advisory Council of Louisiana, serves on the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (LCADV), has been appointed to the Professional Educational Counsel with the American Correctional Association (ACA), and is an Executive Counselor for the Corrections section for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS). He is a past member of the 4th Judicial District’s Youth Services Planning Board, a past therapeutic director of the 4th Judicial District Drug Court, and is the lead therapist for the 4th Judicial District Reentry Court and the 4th Judicial District Batterer’s Intervention Program. Dr. Hanser is also a site surveyor for the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). He has aided several organizations in obtaining and/or maintaining CARF accreditation throughout his career, with expertise in substance use and behavioral health treatment programming. He has written Introduction to Corrections (3rd Ed.), Community Corrections (2nd Ed.), Juvenile Justice (10th Ed.), Correctional Counseling, Multiculturalism in the Criminal Justice System, Special Needs Offenders, and over 60 other publications, including textbooks, anthology chapters, and peer reviewed articles.