Autore: Roger E. Millsap

Dr. Maydeu-Olivares has been Assistant Professor of Statistics and Econometrics at the Universidad Carlos III, Professor of Marketing and Quantativative Methods at the IE Business School, and he is currently ICREA-Academia Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Barcelona. Among other awards he has received the American Psychological Association (div 5) Dissertation Award, the Young Investigator (Cattell) Award from the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology, and the Catalan Young Investigator Award. He has published over 70 refereed articles and edited two volumes: Contemporary Psychometrics (2005) and Handbook of Quantitative Methods in Psychology (2009). He is currently President-Elect of the Psychometric Society.

5 Ebook di Roger E. Millsap

Roger E. Millsap & L. Andries van der Ark: New Developments in Quantitative Psychology
The 77th Annual International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS) brought together quantitative researchers who focus on methods relevant to psychology.  The conference included work …
Roger E. Millsap & Daniel M. Bolt: Quantitative Psychology Research
The 78th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS) builds on the Psychometric Society’s mission to share quantitative methods relevant to psychology. The chapters of this volume present cutti …
Roger E. (Arizona State University) Millsap: Statistical Approaches to Measurement Invariance
This book reviews the statistical procedures used to detect measurement bias. Measurement bias is examined from a general latent variable perspective so as to accommodate different forms of testing i …
Roger E. (Arizona State University) Millsap: Statistical Approaches to Measurement Invariance
This book reviews the statistical procedures used to detect measurement bias. Measurement bias is examined from a general latent variable perspective so as to accommodate different forms of testing i …
Roger E Millsap & Alberto Maydeu-Olivares: The SAGE Handbook of Quantitative Methods in Psychology
`I often… wonder to myself whether the field needs another book, handbook, or encyclopedia on this topic. In this case I think that the answer is truly yes. The handbook is well focused on …