Be careful how you treat others in the throes of their lives because they might be in hiding. Never knock someone just because they are down and out. What you see is not what you get all the time. Great things are disguised in unpleasant wrappings. Just because you don’t understand it means the maker did not create it that way to confound the world.
This book examines past, and present lives socially and spiritually that the things and situations in your early life was meant to preserve you for a time before your unfolding. It is during these dark moments of confusion, uncertainty and shame that you were being prepared for the rest of your journey. The creator has a clever way of protecting and preserving what he has destined until that appointed time.
If your life looks like nothing now, and all hell seem to be unfolding from one thing to the next and it seems like it never ends, as my friend would say, “tie a knot” go for the ride because when you emerge from this your critics won’t believe who you have become-when all along you were from the beginning just being prepared.
Tabella dei contenuti
Utilize the Hidden Lessons of your Past Embrace Purpose
Does God Hide His People?
Who Am I?
How God Hides His people
The Process
The Impact Of Choices On Destiny
Finding Your Way In Darkness
Living In The Moment
Discovering Self Through Empowering Others
Using Your Past as a Source of Empowerment
Making Use of Second Chances
Recognizing Patterns and Learning How to Change Them
Eliminate Blame
Create Your Own Reality
Taking A Stand
Never Compromise Yourself For Who You Are
Embrace Your Own Uniqueness
Breaking The Cycle
Identify Distorted Thinking
Heal From The Pain Of Your Past
Change Direction
Pulling Out The Hidden Treasures From Within
Why Believe?